Economics Of Summer Rice Cultivation A Case Study In Baharagora Block Under Sigh hum (E) District

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
The present study envisaged primarily to assess, on the basis of empirical data, the economics of summer rice cultivation in Baharagora block under Singhbum district as a case study. Three major decisive facets of summer rice economy viz economics of cultivation, resource use efficiency and growth rate of rice in Bihar were studies in detail. The study revealed that the cost of cultivation per hectare over cost A was decreasing as size of holding increasing and same trend was observed in case of cost B and Cost C. On per farm basis the expenditure went on increasing over cost A and so over cost B and cost C. Per hectare main product (Rice grain) was observed highest on small farms and lowest on the medium farms. Similar trend was observed when considered on total equivalent product in terms of grain basis. Per quintal cost of production was found highest on medium farms and lowest on small farms over cost A. Similar types of results were found over cost B and over cost C. Per hectare labour employment on different sizes of farms the family labour employment was found highest on medium farms and lowest on large farms. Male and female hired human labour employment was found highest on small farm and almost same on medium and large farms. Bullock labour employment was highest on small farms, and found same on medium and large farms. And on per farm basis, all sorts of labours viz family labour, hired human labour and bullock labour went on increasing. Gross profit found highest on small farm and lowest on medium farm. Net profit over cost c was found highest on large farms and lowest on medium farms. Output –input ratio over cost C was found highest (1.20) on large farm and lowest (1.06) on small farms. By regression analysis it was found that the two inputs I e seed and bullock labour were found significant at 0.1 and 0.01 probability level respectively. The sum of electricity showed that the production process was favoring constant return to scale. And lastly , the growth rate analysis of rice area, Production and productivities showed that the area of rice was decreasing but the Production and productivity were increasing over the last years in Bihar.