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The present study “A study on watermelon farmers buying behavior towards seed in the state of Andhra Pradesh” was aimed to identify the farmers perception, consumers preferences and major constraints faced by watermelon farmers during seed selection. Anantapur district was purposively selected for the study on basis of both highest area and production of watermelon. The top two mandals kalyanadurgam, Raptadu having maximum area under cultivation of watermelon was selected. From the selected mandals, top three villages from each mandal based on production and area were selected of six villages. From the selected villages 20 farmers from each village were randomly chosen for the study a total sample size of 120 farmers. Consumers markets were identified purposively based on where the harvested watermelons are sold. A representative sample of sixty watermelon consumers was selected by using simple random sampling technique. The selected consumer markets were Bangalore and Hyderabad. The primary data was collected from sample farmers using pre-tested schedule through personal interview method. The primary data from sample consumers was collected by developing a well defined and pretested schedule through digital mode by using Google forms and telephonic interviews. The data was analyzed by using frequencies, percentages; Garrett’s ranking technique and Likert’s scale. The study revealed about socio economic profile of farmers, most of farmers were between 25 to 35 years age group members (35%), majority were primarly educated (57%), While coming to family size 60 percent were with above 6 members family size. The gross annual income of farmers between 50,000- 1, 50,000 was 61 per cent. Majority of sample farmers were marginal farmers (60%) having 2.5 acres or below. While considering their experience in watermelon cultivation 66 per cent of sample farmers were having 1-5 years of experience. General characteristics of sample consumers indicated that 40 per cent of consumers were less than 25 years age group, 40 per cent were graduates, majority were professionally occupied (53.33%), 73 per cent of sample consumers having 3-6 members family size, while coming to income levels (43%) were having less than 25,000 earning monthly. xv The study on sample consumer’s preferences for watermelon fruit attributes concluded that (81.67%) preferred buying full fruit. About (42%) of sample consumers frequency of buying watermelon fruit is once in a week with a monthly family consumption was less than 4 watermelons (62%). The major reasons for preferring watermelon by sample consumers was that it adds variety to food, considered as healthy food and was affordable produce. And 46.67 per cent of sample consumers prefer to buy from road side vendors. The analysis of farmer’s attitude and perception towards selection of watermelon seed resulted that the major production attributes perceived were, no of fruits/plant, high pest & disease resistance variety seed. Consumer’s preference, duration of freshness and overall fruit appearance ranked first, second and third in marketing factors. The top marketing attributes of watermelon fruits perceived by farmers were high pulp to rind, fruit sweetness and fruit flavor. watermelon seeds were selected based on rind color that is two green shades as striping opted by (65%) of farmers, 67 per cent of sample farmers preferred dark red color pulp, 69 per cent of sample farmers opted oval shaped watermelon fruit, (53%) of sample farmers preferred medium sized fruit, 51 per cent sample farmers were willing to grow seeded varieties. The major attributes of watermelon perceived by farmers were, (65%) of sample farmers were preferring to grow varieties with high pulp to rind ratio, when comes to fruit flavor 48 per cent willing to grow varieties with strong fruit flavor, 50 per cent of sample farmers selected medium sweetness of watermelon fruit varieties. Attributes such as watermelon rind colour, fruit flavour and willingness towards seeded varieties showed differences in farmers perception and consumers preferences and are highly significant @ 5 % (as p value less than 0.01). With regard to rind colour (p value = 0.00000186), most of the farmers preferred watermelon with two green shapes as stripes (65 per cent), while consumers preferred 52 per cent. With the respect to fruit flavour (0.0000019) attributes most of the farmer’s preferred strong flavour (48%) while consumers preferred medium flavoured (60%) watermelon. In case of preference towards seed varieties farmers (0.000002) cultivated mostly seeded variety (51%) whereas the consumers largely preferred less seeded varieties (42%) of watermelon. Factors influencing the sample farmers buying decision of watermelon seed determined that market preference, peer farmers referrals and best high yielding variety seed ranked in top three places, when comes to dealers loyalty 59 per cent of sample farmers most often buy from same dealer, 62 per cent of sample farmers rarely prefer to buy products from same company, 48 per cent of sample farmers rarely buy same product year after year, major source of information for sample farmers was fellow farmers (49%). The major constraints faced by farmers during the purchase of watermelon seed was non availability of quality seed, Non availability of pest and disease resistant seed varieties. Recommendations It can be inferred from the study that most of the consumers preferred to buy watermelon in full fruit (81.67%) form compared to other forms with a frequency of consumption once in a week (42%). The average monthly family consumption of watermelon fruit was less than 4 (62%). Consumers preferred watermelon as it adds variety to food and perceived it as healthy food. This indicated the importance of fruit attributes and appearance at harvest, as these play a key role during farmers decision xvi process of the watermelon seed selection. Hence seed companies to focus on fruit attributes and appearance while developing and marketing seed. The study revealed that consumer preference was for medium sized, dark red pulp colour, two green shades as striping rind colour, with seeded type of watermelon fruit, with Oval preference of fruit shape. The fruits with these attributes were preferred because consumer perceives them as tasty and sweeter. Consumers were willing to pay 5-10 per cent for watermelon fruit compared to market prices, if they were offered with watermelon fruit with the preferred attributes. Hence, seed varieties with these attributes shall have greater value for farmer due to good price and consumer’s acceptance in the market. No of fruit/plant, high resistance to pest & disease and suitable to soil & climatic conditions were most perceived production attributes, while high pulp to rind, fruit sweetness, fruit flavour was considered major marketing attributes by farmers while watermelon seed selection. Further major marketing factors like consumers preference, duration of freshness and overall fruit appearance that effect farmer’s decision process while seed selection. Hence, Seed companies shall concentrate on above attributes and perception of farmers while developing their marketing strategies to rightly position their products. The factors influencing watermelon farmers buying behaviour are market (consumer) preference, peer group referrals, selection of best high yielding variety seed are ranked as top three influential factors. Hence, these influencing factors shall be considered by seed companies while developing their marketing strategies. The results indicated that there was always farmers loyalty towards dealers, but no loyalty towards company (or) product while purchasing of watermelon seed. Hence the seed companies to recognize the role of dealer’s (Channel partners) in recommending and promoting the seed varieties shall be essential and develop channel promotion strategies accordingly while marketing watermelon seeds. The major information sources for watermelon seed were fellow farmers followed by Horticultural Department / Government Agencies /Universities. Hence, word of mouth plays a key role in watermelon seed selection. Availability of quality seed along with Non-Availability of pest and disease resistant varieties were the major constraints faced by watermelon growing farmers. So, companies and breeders to consider these factors while developing watermelon seed. From the study, an Ideal watermelon seed products attributes can be defined as rind colour with two green shades as stripping to dark black green, with a pulp colour pinkish red colour to dark red, with a pulp to rind ratio high to medium level, with a fruit shape oval to oblong shape, a medium to large sized fruit, with a fruit sweetness ranging from medium to high sweetness, with a fruit flavour is strong to medium, and a with seeded to less seeded varieties. Recommendations for Watermelon growing farmers: Farmers need to understand the consumer preference for medium sized, with rind colour two green shades as stripping, pinkish red to dark red coloured pulp colour, with high pulp to rind ratio, with oval preference of shape. The fruits with these attributes were preferred because consumer perceives them as healthy and sweeter. The consumers are willing to pay 5-10 per cent more premium price for watermelon compared to market prices, if farmers could produce watermelons with these attributes. xvii Hence farmers should be educated about the consumers so that they would consider the consumer preference while seed selection. The most preferred place to purchase watermelon fruit was from road side vendors followed by farmers markets. Majority of sample consumers expressed their willingness to pay fair price between Rs. 15 to 30 per Kg. It shows a clear indication that place is not important while purchasing watermelon fruits; hence there is scope for farmers to sell directly to consumers. Farmers should be educated to look in opportunities like putting roadside stalls in highways, farmers stalls in near urban centres, forming watermelon farmer producer organisations to sell produce directly to consumers etc. to sell at least part of their produce directly to consumer for better price realization and profitability.