Effect of polythene bag size and potting mixture on seed germination and seedling growth parameters of Gmelina arborea seed sources under nursery conditions in Punjab

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Punjab Agricultural University
The present study entitled ―Effect of polythene bag size and potting mixture on seed germination and seedling growth parameters of Gmelina arborea seed sources under nursery conditions in Punjab‖ was conducted at the Research Farm of Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2021-22, to determine the best seed source, polybag size, polybag colour, potting mixture and growing environment for higher seed germination and raising quality seedlings of Gmelina arborea under nursery conditions in Punjab by using Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The entire investigations consisted of 3 experiments with first experiment comprising of five seed sources viz. S1 (Siroha), S2 (Patan), S3 (Kundam), S4 (Jabalpur) and S5 (Shahpura) and three polybag sizes viz. 4×6 inches, 6×8 inches and 6×11 inches. The second experiment comprised of two polybag colour viz. transparent and black along with four potting media viz., pure soil, soil: FYM (1:1), soil: FYM (2:1) and soil: sand: FYM (1:1:1) and the final experiment included two growing environments viz. agro-shade nets and open field conditions. The observations were recorded for seed germination, seedling growth, biomass and quality parameters at 60, 100 and 140 days after sowing (DAS). Results revealed that seedlings grown from seed source S4 (Jabalpur) showed maximum mean values in all germination, morphological, biomass and quality parameters except sturdiness quotient and quality index and thus may be used as a seed source for raising quality planting material. The size of container displayed non significant results for germination parameters whereas, the biggest container size i.e., C3 (6×11 inches) observed significantly higher values for most morphological, biomass and quality parameters. The results of potting media indicated that P4 i.e., soil: sand: FYM in ratio of 1:1:1 had the highest values and can be regarded as the most suitable potting media for nursery seedling production. Although, germination parameters for polybag colour were insignificant, black polybag colour showed higher values for all other parameters, suggesting black polybags can be used for raising quality Gmelina seedlings. In case of growing environment, results showed higher values of growth parameter under agronet condition suggesting agronets should be utilized in the growing stage of the seedling to get maximum benefit.
Thakur, Saurabh (2022). Effect of polythene bag size and potting mixture on seed germination and seedling growth parameters of Gmelina arborea seed sources under nursery conditions in Punjab (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.