Redesigning of farm pond sizes for marathwada region under changing climate

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The present project entitled, “Redesigning of farm pond sizes for Marathwada region under changing climate” was carried out during year 2021-2022 at the Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, CAET, VNMKV, Parbhani. The rainfall available in the watershed is key factor for determining the availability of water to fulfil the different demand mainly for agriculture, hydropower water supply, industry, etc. A watershed is that contributes runoff water to a common point Runoff is one of the important hydrologic variables used in most of the water resource applications. Runoff is the total surface flow from a given drainage area. Rainfall duration, intensity and aerial distribution influence the rate and volume of runoff. Watershed characteristics such as slope, shape, size, cover of soil, duration of rainfall have a direct effect on the peak flow and volume of runoff from any area (Chandler and Walker, 1998). Rainfall and runoff are significant constitute the sources of water for recharge of ground water in the watershed. Estimation of runoff in a watershed is very important to manage the water resources efficiently. Most of the part of the Marathwada region is comes under assured rainfall zone. The region receives mean annual rainfall of 880 mm. Rainfall is uncertain and erratic in this region and sometimes suffers from severe droughts. The rainfall data for Aurangabad, Parbhani and Nanded stations were collected from the Agro-meteorological station under VNMKV, Parbhani. Runoff was estimated using SCS curve number method considering the all parameters like soil type, vegetation etc. The rainfall runoff relationship was worked out for further planning of small water harvesting structures like farm ponds. The runoff potential for Aurangabad, Parbhani and Nanded station was found to be 20.07 %, 28.31 % and 31.69 % respectively, indicating a good scope for rainwater harvesting and thereby, many more rainwater harvesting structures can be constructed based on site specific conditions. A relation between rainfall and runoff for Aurangabad, Parbhani and Nanded stations were worked out as Y = 0.301X - 55.711 (R2 value - 0.75), Y = 0.4043X - 88.882 (R2 value - 0.8687) and Y = 0.6018X - 209.2 (R2 value -0.9575) respectively. The linear rainfall-runoff relation obtained can be used for finding out runoff corresponding to any rainfall occurring in the area. The rainfall runoff relationship will be useful for determination of rainwater harvesting potential and its reuse for enhancing production potential of various rainfed crops.Farm pond sizes of storage capacity of 351m3 741m3 and 939 m3 are standardized for catchment area of 1 ha, 2 ha and 3 ha respectively for Aurangabad station in rain scarcity zone of Marathwada region under changing climatic condition. Based on storage capacity, the square shaped farm ponds of sizes 15 x 15 m, 20 x 20 m and 22 x 22 m (top dimensions) with depth of 3 m and side slope of 1.5:1 (Trapezoidal shape). Farm pond sizes of storage capacity of 837 cum 1539 cum and 2457 cum are standardized for catchment area of 1 ha, 2 ha and 3 ha respectively for Parbhani station in assured rainfall zone of Marathwada region under changing climatic condition. Based on storage capacity, the square shaped farm ponds of sizes 21 x 21 m, 27 x 27 m and 33 x 33 m (top dimensions) with depth of 3 m and side slope of 1.5:1 (Trapezoidal shape). Farm pond sizes of storage capacity of 939 m3 1677 m3 and 2811 m3cum are standardized for catchment area of 1 ha, 2 ha and 3 ha respectively for Nanded station in moderate to high rainfall zone of Marathwada region under changing climatic condition. Based on storage capacity, the square shaped farm ponds of sizes 22 x 22 m, 28 x 28 m and 35 x 35 m (top dimensions) with depth of 3 m and side slope of 1.5:1 (Trapezoidal shape). The well-designed inlet (Chute spillway type) for proper incoming of runoff water into pond and Pipe outlet is suggested for removal of surplus water from farm pond. The cost of construction of farm pond of storage capacity of 351 m3 741 m3 and 939 m3 are standardized for catchment area of 1 ha, 2 ha and 3 ha respectively are worked out as Rs. 97,512/-, Rs. 1,87,341/- and Rs. 2,84,858/- for Aurangabad station. The cost of construction of farm pond of storage capacity of 837 cum 1539 cum and 2437 cum are standardized for catchment area of 1 ha, 2 ha and 3 ha respectively are worked out as Rs. 2,09,520 /-, Rs. 3,72,111/- and Rs. 5,85,281/- for Parbhani station. The cost of construction of farm pond of storage capacity of 939 cum 1677 cum and 2811 cum are standardized for catchment area of 1 ha, 2 ha and 3 ha respectively are worked out as Rs. 2,33,108 /-, Rs. 4,04,147/- and Rs. 6,67,577/- for Nanded station.