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Abstract The present investigation entitled “Studies on genetic evaluation of beet root (Beta vulgaris L.)” was carried out at experimental farm of Department of Vegetable Science, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP) during 2011-12 and 2012-13. Plant material was consisted of diverse genotypes of beet root procured from IPGCPR, Gatersleben Germany and India. The experiment was laid out in a RCBD with three replications. Twenty five diverse genotypes including check cultivars (Crimson Globe and Detroit Dark Red) were evaluated for different horticultural traits. The observations were recorded on number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, root diameter, root length, root top ratio (length basis), root top ratio (weight basis) average root weight, net root weight, yield per plot and per hectare, flesh thickness, dry matter recovery, TSS, total sugars, reducing sugars, non reducing sugars, carotenoid contents. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among genotypes for all the characters under study. Maximum root yield of 30.29 kg per plot was recorded in genotype TNBR-1 and gave 27.70 and 44.11 per cent more yield over check cultivars Crimson Globe & Detroit Dark Red and also performed well for majority of other character viz., leaf length & width, root diameter & length, net root weight, yield per hectare, dry matter recovery, flesh thickness, carotenoid content and average root weight .Whereas genotype BETA-340, TNBR-8, TNBR-9 were highest in non reducing sugars, TSS and carotenoid contents respectively. High heritability estimates coupled with moderate genetic gain were observed for yield and other horticultural traits. Yield per plot was positively correlated with average and net root weight, flesh thickness, root diameter, dry matter recovery, total sugar, root length, leaf width and length and carotenoid contents. Characters like average root weight has maximum positive direct effect on yield per plot followed by root diameter, root length, leaf width, net root weight, root top ratio both on weight and length basis, non reducing sugars, number of leaves, total sugars and carotenoid contents. Maximum number of genotypes viz., 9, 5, 5, 5 and 1 were accommodated by cluster-I followed III, IV, V and cluster-I respectively. Further divergence studies indicated that hybridization between cluster-II and V in both the cases can be utilized for getting the superior recombinants in segregating generations.
beet root (Beta vulgaris L.)” ,genetic evaluation