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The present investigation entitled Effect of fertility levels with micronutrient fortification and bio enhancer on growth, yield and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.) was carried out during rabi season of 2020-21 and 2021-22 at College Farm, College of Horticulture, S. D. Agricultural University, Jagudan. Present investigation comprising three factors i.e., two levels of fertilizer i.e., 80 per cent RDF (L1) and 60 per cent RDF (L2); micronutrient fortification with six levels i.e., Zinc @ 5 kg/ha (M1), Zinc @ 10 kg/ha (M2), Iron @ 5 kg/ha (M3), Iron @ 10 kg/ha (M4), Zinc + Iron @ 2.5 kg/ha each (M5) and Zinc + Iron @ 5 kg/ha each (M6) and two levels of bio-enhancer i.e., NPK consortium @ 5.0 l/ha at sowing (B1) and Jeevamrut @ 500 l/ha at sowing, 45 DAP and 90 DAP (B2). Thus, there were total 24 treatment combinations under study. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with factorial concept with three replications. The results indicated that the application of 80 per cent RDF (L1) gave maximum plant height at 45 & 90 DAP (cm), number of leaves per plant at 45 & 90 DAP, neck thickness at 45 & 90 DAP (cm). Treatment (L1) i.e., 80 per cent RDF was found better with respect to weight of bulb (g), yield per plot (kg) and yield per hectare (q). The quality characteristics like polar diameter of bulb (cm) and equatorial diameter of bulb (cm) were found better with same treatment. Whereas, in plant analysis N, P, K, S, Zn and Fe uptake by plant (kg/ha) and available N, P, K (kg/ha) and Fe, Zn (mg/kg) in both the years of experiment as well as in pooled data with the application of 80 per cent RDF (L1). While, Zn and Fe content in bulb (mg/kg), chlorophyll content (a, b and total) in plant at 60 DAP (mg/100g), available S, PLW up to 3 months of storage at ambient condition at monthly interval, marketable bulb at monthly interval up to 3 months and unmarketable bulb at Abstract monthly interval up to 3 months gave better result in pooled data with the application of 80 per cent RDF (L1). Application of micronutrient fortification showed significant differences among growth, yield, quality and shelf life. Higher dose of micronutrient fortification was found with treatment (M6) Zinc + Iron @ 5 kg/ha each superior for growth parameters like plant height at 45 and 90 DAP (cm), number of leaves per plant at 45 & 90 DAP, neck thickness at 45& 90 DAP (cm). Similarly yield attributes viz., weight of bulb (g), yield per plot (kg) and yield per hectare (q). The same treatment also performed better for polar diameter of bulb (cm) and equatorial diameter of bulb (cm), Zn and Fe content in bulb, in plant analysis N, P, K, S, Zn and Fe uptake by plant (kg/ha), available N, P, K, (kg/ha) Fe, Zn (mg/kg) and PLW up to 3 months of storage at ambient condition at monthly interval recorded during both the years of an experiment and in pooled data, respectively under the treatment (M6) Zinc + Iron @ 5 kg/ha each. While, chlorophyll content (a, b and total) in plant at 60 DAP (mg/100g), available S, marketable bulb at 2nd month and unmarketable bulb at 2nd month best in pooled analysis with the application of Zinc + Iron @ 5 kg/ha each (M6). Among the various bio-enhancer the application of jeevamrut @ 500l/ha at sowing, 45 DAP and 90 DAP showed significantly maximum plant height at 45 & 90 DAP (cm), number of leaves per plant at 45 & 90 DAP, neck thickness at 45 & 90 DAP (cm), yield parameters like weight of bulb (g), yield per plot (kg) and yield per hectare (q). Whereas, for quality parameters i.e., polar diameter of bulb (cm) and equatorial diameter of bulb (cm), in plant analysis N, P, K, S, Zn and Fe uptake by plant (kg/ha) and available N, P, K, (kg/ha) Fe, Zn (mg/kg) observed during both the years of an experiment and in pooled data, respectively. Chlorophyll content (a, b and total) in plant at 60 DAP (mg/100g) and unmarketable bulb at 2nd month were found better only in pooled analysis under the treatment (B2) Jeevamrut @ 500 l/ha at sowing, 45 DAP and 90 DAP. Examination of interaction between fertility levels × micronutrient fortification × bio-enhancer (L×M×B) revealed that significantly maximum weight of bulb (g), yield per plot (kg) and yield per hectare (q) during both the year of experiment an in pooled data. While, in pooled neck thickness at 90 DAP (cm), Zn and Fe content in bulb (mg/kg), chlorophyll content (a, b and total) in plant at 60 DAP (mg/100g), available S, PLW up to 3 months of storage at ambient condition at monthly interval, marketable bulb at 2nd month and unmarketable bulb at 2nd month were recorded with treatment combination of L1M6B2 (80 % RDF + Zinc + Iron @ 5 kg/ha each + Jeevamrut @ 500 l/ha at sowing, 45 DAP and 90 DAP. Abstract Maximum gross return of ₹ 4,40,010 per hectare, net return of ₹ 3,07,319 per hectare and maximum benefit cost ratio of 3.32 were recorded from the treatment combination of L1M6B2 (80 % RDF + Zinc + Iron @ 5 kg/ha each + Jeevamrut @ 500 l/ha at sowing, 45 DAP and 90 DAP). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of 80 per cent RDF along with soil application of Zinc + Iron @ 5 kg/ha each and drenching of jeevamrut at sowing, 45 DAP and 90 DAP was the best in terms of growth, yield, quality parameters and shelf life as well in economic return in rabi onion.