Biology of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines causing bacterial pustule of soybean and identification of resistance sources

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The investigation on “Biology of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines causing bacterial pustule of soybean and identification of resistance sources” was undertaken during 2019-21 in the Department of Plant Pathology, CSK HPKV, Palampur. The occurrence of bacterial leaf pustule was recorded only at four locations viz. Utrala, Mahakal, Nagri and Palampur of district Kangra on Hara Soya variety with per cent disease index of 11.11 per cent. Morpho-cultural characteristics of the bacterium indicated that the bacterium was rod shaped and produced circular, yellow colored colonies on nutrient agar medium. The nutrient agar medium was found to be the best for Xag growth. The biochemical characteristics of the bacterium revealed that it was Gram negative and showed positive reaction for starch hydrolysis, gelatin liquefaction, KOH solubility, H2S production and acid production by carbon sources while negative reaction for acid production by nitrogen source. The optimum temperature and pH for the growth of pathogen were 30oC and 7.0, respectively. Bacterium culture of 4 days old and inoculum load of 106 cfu/ml resulted in the maximum disease development i.e. 72.0 and 78.67 per cent disease severity respectively under artificial inoculation conditions. Pin prick inoculation method was found to be the most effective as it resulted in the highest disease severity of 77.67 per cent after 30 days of inoculation. Among five leguminous plants, only horse gram was found to be another host of bacterial pustule. Out of fifty germplasm lines, six genotypes viz. Him Soya, EC 7048, MAUS 732, RSC 11-22, DSb 37 and MAUS 1566 were found to be resistant and two [EC 250591 and VLS 59] were moderately resistant against Xag