Economic value of irrigation water: A case study of Neyyar irrigation project, Thiruvananthapuram

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Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture ,Vellayani
The present study entitled “Economic value of irrigation water: A case study of Neyyar Irrigation Project, Thiruvananthapuram was conducted during 2020-21 in Thiruvananthapuram district. The specific objectives of the study were to estimate the economic value of irrigation water, assess the impact of irrigation on crop yield of selected crops under the ayacut area of Neyyar Irrigation Project and to identify the operational problems in irrigation management. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. Neyyar Irrigation Project was (NIP) selected for the study as it is the only completed major irrigation project in Thiruvananthapuram district. Right Bank Canal (RBC) of the project was selected because its entire command area lies within Kerala, while Left Bank Canal (LBC) has its command area lying in the Kanyakumari district of Tamilnadu state also. Primary data was collected through pre-tested, well-structured interview schedule. Respondent farmers were selected using stratified random sampling and the stratification was done based on the length of the canal i.e. head reach, middle reach and tail reach. One panchayat was selected randomly from each reach and list of beneficiary farmers from panchayat were collected from corresponding Krishibhavans. Twenty beneficiary farmers were selected from each strata thus making sixty beneficiary farmers in the sample. Sixty non-beneficiary farmers were also chosen at random from the surrounding area from the same panchayats. Thus the total sample size of the study was one hundred twenty. Secondary data related to the study were collected from various Krishibhavans, Gramapanchayat offices and Irrigation Design and Research Board (IDRB) Thiruvananthapuram. Data regarding climatic and physiographic factors were collected from the official website of the Department of Groundwater and annual reports of Government of Kerala.