A Study on Attitude of Rural Women Towards Agro Based Enterprise Under District Poverty Initiatives Project (DPIP) in Rewa Block of Rewa District (M.P.)

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ABSTRACT Women in India is such a group where they contribute much in the rural socio-economic and cultural domain but socially construct role positions, put also effects the development task. In India, women produce 30 percent of the food commodities consumed by the country but earn only 10 percent of income and own 10 percent of the property or wealth of the country. In India about 80% of female population live in the rural areas and 86% of the rural woman work in agriculture and allied activities (Borah 1998). The employment strategy adopted has therefore, included self employment promotion as a component, by providing various facilities like financial assistance, access to raw material and market, technical advice and guidance entrepreneurial and relevant skill training. Breckler and Wiggins (1992) define attitude as “mental and neural representations, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence on behavior’’. Attitudes and attitude objects are functions of congnitive, affective and co native components. Attitudes are part of the brain’s associatives networks, the spider-like structures residing in long term memory (Higgins, 1996) that consist of affective and cognitive nodes linked through associative pathways (Anderson, 1983; Fazio, 1986). These nodes contain affective, cognitive, and behavioral components (Eagly and Chaiken, 1995). Attitude plays an important role in the modeling and re-modeling of one’s life. Realizing the facts in M.P., District Poverty Initiatives Project second phase was implemented by state government with a view to employment generation, capacity building and empowerment among rural women in the year 2008. In this programme only rural women considered as target beneficiaries, in this second phase District Poverty Initiative Project is focused on improving livelihood of the poor and vulnerable groups particularly rural women in the project area. Rewa district have been identified as the largest operational field coverage area under district poverty initiatives project since highest number of village i.e. 1091 have been included in the operational area of the project. It has been thought that various agro based enterprise can help rural women for improving the livelihood by getting additional income. However, the views of rural women in respect to benefit of different agrobased enterprises are the main focus of the study. Keeping this in view the present study entitled as “A study on Attitude of rural Women towards Agrobased Enterprises under District Poverty Initiatives Project (DPIP) in Rewa Block of Rewa district, (M.P.)” Will be undertaken with the following objectives:- 1. To study the socio-economic, communicational and psychological profile of the rural women beneficiaries of district poverty initiatives project (DPIP). 2. To identify the agro based enterprises undertaken by the beneficiaries 3. To study the attitude of the rural women beneficiaries toward agrobased enterprises. 4. To explore the relationship of socio-economic, communicational and psychological factors with attitude of rural women beneficiaries towards agro based enterprises. 5. To suggest the ways for enhancing the utility of agro based enterprises to improve the livelihood of rural women. Methodology Selection of the district In Rewa District, Rewa block was selected due to having higher proportion of women SHG members engaged in agro based enterprise as compared to other blocks under District Poverty initiatives Project II phase. Selection of the villages In Rewa block Karahiya project facility team consists of higher number of SHG i.e. 91 working in agro based enterprise among all the PFTS. Five villages were selected namely Karahiya, Dadar, Kitwariya, Saaw, Hardi. Selection of respondents The village wise list of women SHGs members involve in agrobased enterprises will be prepared the five villages on the basis of highest no of SHGs members were selected through proportionate random sampling method. Finally the sample consisted of 120 respondents. Method of collection of data An interview schedule was designed for collection the relevant information of selected variables. The data were collected personally with the help of pre tested interview schedule. The researcher personliy contected the respondents. They were assured that the information given by them would be kept confidential and it would only be used for the academic puposes. Independent variable Age, caste, education, social participation, size of land holding, family size, family type, family occupation, family income, material possession, length of experience, contact with extension agency, mass media use, training received, risk taking willingness, credit worthiness, economic motivation Dependent variable Attitude of rural women towards agro based enterprise Main Findings The main findings of the study have been presented in line with the objectives of the study. The details of the main findings are as under. (A) Socio economic, communicational and psychological profile of the rural women beneficiaries of district poverty initiative project (DPIP). 1. Out of 120 respondents i.e. 54.17 percent belonged to middle age group 2. It was found that 33.34 percent respondents belonged to OBC category 3. More than one fourth of the total respondents i.e.28.34 percent were educated up to middle education level. 4. Nearly 41 percent respondents had low social participation. 5. 46.66 percent respondents had low size of land holding. 6. 42.50 percent respondents had medium family size. 7. Out of 120 respondents i.e. 60.84 percent respondents had joint family type. 8. Out of 120 respondents i.e.40.00 percent respondents had low family occupation. 9. 43.34 percent respondents had medium family income. 10. Out of total respondents i.e. 49.16 percent respondents had high material possession. 11. 44.16 percent respondents were having low length of experience. 12. Majority of the respondents i.e. 50.00 percent of the respondents had medium contact with extension agency. 13. 45.84 percent respondents had low mass media use. 14. 45.00 percent respondents had medium training received. 15. 50.84 percent respondents had medium risk taking willingness. 16. Out of total respondents i.e. 41.66 percent respondents had not available credit worthiness. 17. 47.50 percent respondents had medium economic motivation. (B) The agro based enterprises undertaken by the beneficiaries Among the various agro based enterprises doing was found to be most popular enterprises among the rural women. It was found that 28.33 percent rural women SHGs members were undertaking dairy followed by Vegetable production 21.67 percent, Goat farming 14.17 percent, Poultry farming 12.50 percent, Pickles making 10.00 percent, Dalbari making 7.50 percent and 5.83 percent were undertaken papad making enterprises. (C) The attitudes of the rural women beneficiaries towards agro based enterprises In case of awareness aspect it was observed that the mean score attitude was highest in awareness in agro based enterprises (4.16) followed by women empowerment (3.88), awareness in entrepreneurship (3.86) and motivation (3.45). Regarding the group formation aspect women mean score attitude was highest in as easy group formation (4.43) followed by informal relations (4.03), group mobilization (3.9), and easy membership (3.07) and grading of SHGs (2.98). As far as financial facilities aspect was concerned women mean score attitude was arranged in descending order as easy loan availability through bank (4.18) followed by easy procedure (3.86), provision subsidy (3.29) and capital requirement (3.18). Regarding technical facilities aspect women mean score attitude was maximum in sufficient technical knowledge (4.51) followed by moderate risk in technology (4.16), simplicity (3.79), increase in production (3.31) and improved technology (2.84). As for as training aspect was concerned women mean score attitude was arranged in descending order as orientation training (4.56) followed by use of local language (4.08), active participation (3.97) and skill development (3.9). Regarding resource available aspect women mean score attitude was maximum in use of natural resources (4.68) followed by availability of technological inputs (4.26), transport facilities (4.18), availability of agricultural implements (2.9) and availability of irrigation (2.8). As for as support of government agency aspect was concerned women mean score attitude was arranged descending order prepare planning (4.78) followed by problem solving (4.54), attention in problem. (4.33), marketing support (4.07) and support in transportation of inputs (3.95). Regarding economic gain aspect women mean score attitude was highest in increase in income (4.39) followed by high returns through low caste (3.89), sustainable profit (3.26) and profit in minimum time (2.46). The overall mean score of different components of the rural women attitude was observed t as maximum in component of support of government agencies (women attitude mean score 4.33), followed by training component (women attitude mean score 4.13), awareness component (women attitude mean score 3.84), resources availability component (women attitude mean score 3.76), technical facilities component (women attitude mean score 3.72.), group formation component (women attitude mean score 3.68), finance facilities component (women attitude mean score 3.62) and rural women attitude mean score was minimum in case of economic gain component (women attitude mean score 3.5). (D) Relationship between socio economic, communicational and psychological factors with attitude of rural women beneficiaries towards agro based enterprises Relationship between socio economic, communicational and psychological factors with attitude of rural women beneficiaries. The data indicate that the characteristics of the respondents namely education, size of land holding, family occupation, family income, material possession, length of experience, contact with extension agency, mass media use, training received, risk taking willingness, credit worthiness, economic motivation had significant association with attitude of rural women at 0.05 level of probability. The result also depict that the characteristics namely age, caste, family size, family type and social participation did not establish significant association with attitude of rural women towards agro based enterprise. (E) Suggest the ways for enhancing the agrobased enterprises to improve the livelihood of rural women The important suggestions as offered by the rural women were arranged in descending order as The important suggestions as offered by the rural women were arranged in descending order as full support of family member (61.66), women must be literate (54.16), equal status in society (52.50), group numbers should have common needs and object (50.83), member should present timely in meeting (48.35), intervention of male, should not be in rural women SHGs (45.00), dependency in decision making (43.33), coordination is must, among the members (42.50), frequent training should be imparted (40.00) and easy bank loan procedure (37.50).