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The present investigation entitled “Standardization of cultural practices for cultivation of rose varieties under shade net and open conditions in Konkan region” was undertaken at College of Horticulture, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli-415 712, Dist. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra (India) during the year 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 by considering the commercial importance of rose to maximize the production of farmers throughout the year. The whole research project was conducted in three experiments. The first experiment was “Performance of rose varieties under shade net and open condition in Konkan”. The experiment was executed in Factorial Randomized Block Design with two factors i.e., growing conditions and varieties and replicated three times. Growing conditions factor constituted two treatments viz. Open field (T1) and under shade net cover (T2). Varieties constituted seven treatments viz. Foklar (V1), Rubistar (V2), Double delight (V3), Bordo (V4), Hot putter (V5), Landora (V6) and Gladiator (V7). Among the different growing conditions, treatment T1 (Open field) was found significantly superior with respect to maximum plant height (118.86 cm), maximum number of branches per plant (17.89), maximum plant spread (83.73 cm), maximum total leaf area (5164.01 cm2), least days for emergence of first flower bud (39.36 days), least days taken for tight bud stage of flower (45.07 days), minimum days taken for opening of first flower (50.05 days), highest stalk length (30.50 cm), highest bud length (3.64 cm), maximum bud diameter (2.68 cm), maximum flower diameter (8.83 cm), maximum number of flowers per plant (18.45), highest fresh weight of fully open flower (15.69 g), highest yield of flowers per plant (292.00 g), highest number of flower per sq m. (68.28), highest number of flower per hector (6.83 Lakh), highest yield of flower per hector (9.66 ton), maximum vase life of flower (9.37 days) and maximum uptake of holding solution (12.38 ml). Among the different varieties, V7 (cv. Gladiator) was recorded significantly maximum plant height (126.15 cm), maximum total leaf area (8305.00 cm2), highest stalk length (41.50 cm), highest bud length (3.84 cm), highest bud diameter (3.16 cm), highest flower diameter (9.07 cm), maximum number of flowers per plant (22.52), maximum yield of flower per plant (400.81 g), highest number of flower per sq m. (83.31), highest number of flower per hector (8.34), highest yield of flower per ha (13.25 ton), highest vase life of flower (10.62 days) and highest uptake of holding solution (13.37 ml). Maximum number of branches per plant (22.00) and maximum plant spread (91.01 cm) were found in the treatment V1 i. e. cv. Foklar. Significantly minimum days for emergence of first flower bud (27.92 days), significantly minimum days taken for tight bud stage of flower (32.95 days), minimum days taken for opening of first flower (37.61 days) was recorded in V4 i.e. cv. Bordo. Highest fresh weight of fully open flower (18.25 g) was recorded in the treatment V5 i.e. cv. Hot putter. Interaction effect was significant with maximum plant height (133.61 cm), maximum number of branches per plant (23.93), maximum total leaf area (8436.67 cm2), maximum stalk length (43.72 cm), maximum bud length (4.35 cm), maximum bud diameter (3.74 cm), maximum flower diameter (9.70 cm), maximum number of flowers per plant (23.58), maximum fresh weight of fully open flower (18.87 g), maximum yield of flower per plant (430.42 g), maximum number of flower per sq m. (87.26), maximum number of flower per hector (8.73 Lakh), maximum yield of flower per ha (14.23 ton), maximum vase life of flower (11.33 days), maximum uptake of holding solution (13.46 ml) in the treatment combination T1V7 (cv. Gladiator was grown under open field). Maximum plant spread (98.01 cm) was recorded in T1V1 (cv. Foklar grown under open field). Minimum days taken for first flower bud initiation (27.02 days), minimum days taken for tight bud stage of flower (30.90 days), minimum days taken for opening of first flower (35.32 days) were recorded in the treatment combination T1V4 (cv. Bordo grown under Open field). Economics involved for different growing conditions and varieties showed that treatment combination T1V7 (cv. Gladiator grown under open field) recorded highest net return per ha of (Rs. 86843.61) and highest benefit-cost ratio (3.35). From the present investigation, it can be concluded that the treatment combination T1V7 (cv. Gladiator grown under open field) was found best for economic flower production of rose under Konkan conditions. The second experiment was “Effect of pinching, disbudding and bending on rose cv. Gladiator” which consisted eight treatments viz., T1 – Pinching, T2 – Disbudding, T3 – Bending, T4 – Pinching + Disbudding, T5 – Disbudding + Bending, T6 – Pinching + Bending, T7 – Pinching + Disbudding + Bending, T8 – Control. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design and replicated three times. The significantly maximum plant height (129.90 cm), minimum days taken for first flower bud initiation (25.73 days), minimum days for tight bud stage (31.61 days), minimum days for opening of first flower (35.35 days), maximum number of flowers per plant (25.86), maximum fresh weight of fully open flower (19.05 g), maximum yield of flowers per plant (498.07 g), maximum number of flowers per sq m. (95.66), maximum number of flowers per ha. (9.58 Lakh), maximum yield of flowers per ha. (16.47 ton) were recorded in the treatment T8 i.e. Control. Maximum number of branches per plant (22.29), plant spread (87.37 cm) and total leaf area (8409.42 cm2) was recorded in the treatment T1 i.e. Pinching. However significantly maximum flower stalk length (35.35 cm), maximum flower bud Length (4.71 cm), maximum flower bud diameter (3.82 cm), maximum flower diameter (10.89 cm), maximum vase life (11.74 days), maximum uptake of holding solution (13.32 ml) was recorded in the treatment T3 i.e. Bending. In second experiment the treatment T8 i.e. Control recorded highest net profit per ha (Rs.114298.26) and highest B:C ratio (3.80). The third experiment was “Management of nutrient and mulching for rose cultivation under Konkan conditions cv. Gladiator”. The experiment was conducted in Factorial Randomized Block Design with two factors i.e., different nutrients and mulching and replicated three times. Nutrients factor constituted five treatments viz. N1 (RDF (FYM + NPK 400:200:200 kg/ha), N2 (RDF + soil application (micro nutrient: ammonium molybdate 30 g + CuSO4 525 g at 15 days interval), N3 (RDF + foliar application (micro nutrient: 0.3% ZnSO4 + 0.3% MnSO4 + 0.3% FeSO4 at 15 days interval), N4 (RDF + soil application (micro nutrient: ammonium molybdate 30 g + CuSO4 525 g) + (micro nutrient : ZnSO4 450 g + MnSO4 450 g + FeSO4 at 15 days interval), N5 (RDF + soil application (micro nutrient: ammonium molybdate 30 g + CuSO4 525 g) + micro nutrient: ZnSO4 450 g + MnSO4 450 g + FeSO4 at 15 days interval + foliar (micro nutrient : 0.3% ZnSO4 + 0.3% MnSO4 + 0.3% FeSO4 at 15 days interval). Mulching factor constituted three treatments viz M1 (100 µ thick black transparent polythene), M2 Grass mulch and M3 Control Among the different nutrients treatments, N3 (RDF + foliar application (micro nutrients: 0.3% ZnSO4 + 0.3% MnSO4 + 0.3% FeSO4 at 15 days interval was found significantly superior with respect to maximum plant height (119.17 cm), maximum number of branches per plant (17.80), maximum plant spread (82.70 cm), maximum total leaf area (8272.77 cm2), significantly minimum days taken for first flower bud initiation (31.76 days), minimum days taken for tight bud stage of flower (38.34 days), minimum days taken for opening of first flower (42.90 days), highest stalk length (45.97 cm), highest bud length (4.44 cm), maximum bud diameter (3.68 cm), maximum flower diameter (9.49 cm), maximum number of flowers per plant (26.33), highest fresh weight of fully open flower (19.05 g), highest yield of flower per plant (513.81 g), highest number of flowers per sq m. (97.42), highest number of flowers per hector (9.75 Lakh), highest yield of flower per hector (16.99 ton), maximum vase life of flower (12.08 days) and maximum uptake of holding solution (14.07 ml). Among the different mulching treatments, M1 (100 µ thick black transparent polythene mulch was found significantly superior for maximum plant height (105.08 cm), maximum number of branches per plant (17.03), maximum plant spread (77.26 cm), maximum total leaf area (8116.78 cm2), minimum days taken for first flower bud initiation (32.97 days), highest stalk length (44.65 cm), highest number of flowers per plant (24.56), highest fresh weight of fully open flower (17.81 g), highest yield of flowers per plant (452.88 g), highest number of flowers per sq m. (90.88), highest number of flowers per hector (9.10 Lakh), highest yield of flower per ha (14.98 ton), highest vase life of flower (10.23 days) and highest uptake of holding solution (12.50 ml). Interaction effect was significant with maximum plant height (121.21 cm),maximum number of branches per plant (18.17), maximum plant spread (83.75 cm), maximum total leaf area (8361.21 cm2), minimum days required for initiation of flowering (31.10 days), maximum stalk length (46.83 cm), maximum number of flowers per plant (27.77), maximum fresh weight of fully open flowers (19.57 g), maximum yield of flowers per plant (553.77 g), maximum number of flowers per sq m. (102.74), maximum number of flowers per hector (10.28 Lakh), maximum yield of flowers per ha (18.31 ton), maximum vase life of flower (12.78 days) and maximum uptake of holding solution by flower (14.79 ml) in the treatment combinations N3M1 (RDF + foliar application (micro nutrients: 0.3% ZnSO4 + 0.3% MnSO4 + 0.3% FeSO4 at 15 days interval) + 100 µ thick black transparent polythene mulch. Economics involved for different nutrients and mulching showed that treatment N3M1 (RDF + foliar application (micro nutrients: 0.3% ZnSO4 + 0.3% MnSO4 + 0.3% FeSO4 at 15 days interval with 100 µ thick black transparent polythene mulch recorded highest net return per ha (Rs. 47102.27) and highest benefit-cost ratio (1.12). From the present investigation it can be concluded that the treatment N3M1 (RDF + foliar application (micro nutrients: 0.3% ZnSO4 + 0.3% MnSO4 + 0.3% FeSO4 at 15 days interval with 100 µ thick black transparent polythene mulch was found best for economic flower production of rose under Konkan conditions.