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The study entitled, “knowledge of rural women about food and nutrition requirements of infants” was conducted in the Mansi Block at Khagaria district of Bihar. A Ex post facto research design was used for this study. Total 100 respondents were selected by using random sampling method with the specific objectives. To study the socio economic status of the respondents, to study the knowledge of rural women regarding food and Nutritional requirements of infants, to study relationship between socio economic status of the respondents and their knowledge regarding food and nutritional requirements of the infants. An interview schedule was prepared for collecting the data in the study. An interview was planned for the respondents' socio personal knowledge, keeping in mind the objectives and variables under review. Data was collected through personal Interview with the help of prepared interview schedule. The findings of the present investigation indicate that majority of the respondents (53 percent) were from (26-29) age group and all respondents (62 percent) belonged to the OBC category. The maximum number of respondents (60 percent) were from primary education Level. The maximum number of respondents ((67 percent) had upto 5 family members. The majority of the respondents (70.67 percent) belonged to joint family. Most of the respondents (66 percent) were House wife. Most of them (55 percent) belonged to the medium income category (70,000- 1,00,000) as their annual income. Majority of them (86 percent) were landless. Most of them (34 respondents) were living in pucca house. The maximum number of the respondents (78 percent) had medium mass media exposure (8-16) and the maximum number of them (56 percent) belonged to member of one organization. Majority of the infants (34 percent) were under 7 to 9 months of age. Majority of the infants (62 percent) were male child in the research area and majority of them (48 percent) were the second child in the family. The result of the knowledge of rural women about food and nutrition requirements of infants, i.e, value of „r‟ thus found was 0.76 and the value of validity was 0.73. The test was thus reliable and the majority of the respondents (71 percent) were in the category of medium knowledge with mean of 17.493. The relationship between socio-economic status of the respondents and the knowledge regarding health and nutrition requirements of the infants: The variables namely, Annual income Family type, Family size and Milch and small animals was negatively correlated with the knowledge of rural women regarding food and nutrition requirement of infants. Type of house was found to be positively and significantly related with the knowledge of rural women regarding food and nutrition requirement of infants at 0.05 percent level of significance. Type of house was found to be positively and significantly related with the knowledge of rural women regarding food and nutrition requirement of infants at 0.05 percent level of significance. The regression analysis between socio-economic status of the respondents and their knowledge regarding food and nutrition requirements of the infants: Independent variables Age, Social participation, Mass media and annual income was positively significantly related with knowledge of rural women regarding food and nutrition requirements of the infants at 1 percent level of significance. If their Age, Social participation, Mass media and Annual income increase, the knowledge of rural women regarding food and nutritional requirement of the infant also increase. Age of infant was positive and significant at 10 percent level with increase in the age of infant, the knowledge of rural women regarding food and nutritional requirement of infant also increases.