To study the effect of irrigation and nitrogen on mass attenuation and water content in maize (Zea mays L.) using beta radiation

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Punjab Agricultural University
A split-plot field experiment was performed to estimate mass attenuation coefficient (µm) and water content (WC) of maize (Zea mays L.) using beta attenuation technique. The maize cultivar PMH-13 was grown using two different nitrogen levels: N1=150 kg ha-1 and N2=120 kg ha-1, each having four irrigation treatments based on IW/CPE ratios of 2.0 (I1), 1.5 (I2), 1.2 (I3) and 1.0 (I4), respectively. The three replications for each treatment have been employed in this study. 204Tl is used as a radioactive source having end-point energy 0.766 MeV. The plots between logarithmic relative intensity and thickness of leaves were fitted using a linear regression model for both fresh and dry maize leaves for all treatments. These plots were used to determine µm which was further utilized for the calculation of WC. The findings revealed that water content for irrigation level I1 is maximum when nitrogen level N1 is used, while for nitrogen level N2, I3 has highest value of water content. It has been observed that N1I1 treatment gives highest value of the grain yield. Additionally, WC results obtained through beta attenuation technique agrees well with those obtained from direct weighing method. The irrigation treatment I4 has maximum and I2 has minimum values of stress degree days. Considering the results, it can be inferred that N1I1 treatment would be the best management practice for the cultivation of maize crop. Beta attenuation technique is found to be a useful tool for making precise irrigation decisions, ultimately leading to conservation of water.
Sakshi (2023). To study the effect of irrigation and nitrogen on mass attenuation and water content in maize (Zea mays L.) using beta radiation (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.