Gross Anatomical Study on the Wing Bones of Green Winged Macaw (Ara Chloropterus)

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Gross anatomy of wing bones was studied in three adult Macaw birds. Wing bones of Macaw were comprised of typical pectoral girdle, humerus, radius and ulna, carpo-metacarpus and digits. The present study was aimed to understand the gross anatomy of pectoral limbs of Macaw and also to know how these anatomical features may help in flight adaptations. Typical pectoral girdle was present with scapula, clavicle and coracoid. Humerus was a long pneumatic bone. Radius and ulna were the longest bone in the wing of Macaw. Ulna was thicker than radius and both the bones were almost of equal length. Two carpal bones, radial and ulnar carpal were present. Carpo-metacarpus was a single bone. Three digits were observed. Gross anatomical features of the wing bones in Macaw were similar to that of Psittacidae family.