Development and nutritional evaluation of products utilizing processed grey and white pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) varieties

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The present study aimed at development of products utilizing malted and f ermented pearl millet f lour. The nutritional, sensory and shelf li fe evaluation of developed products was also carried out.Pearl millet varieties HHB-234 and WHC 901were evaluated for thei r phy sico chemical and nutritional attributes. Thousand seed weight, seed density and swelling index of pearl millet variety WHC 901 was signif icantly (P≤0.05) higher than HHB-234. HHB 234 had signif icantly higher hy dration capacity and hy dration index. Swelling capacity of both the varieties was similar (0.01ml/ seed). The protein content in WHC 901 was signif icantly (P≤0.05) higher than t hat of HHB-234. Crude f at content of pearl millet varieties HHB 234 and WHC 901 was f ound to be 6.13 and 5.83 per cent respectively. The Ash content of HHB 234 was 2.03 and WHC 901 was 2.09 g/100g. The crude f ibre in HHB 234 was 1.92 and in WHC 901 was 1.87 per cent. No signif icant (P≤0.05) di ff erences were observed in any of the dietary f ibre component of two varieties. The total soluble sugars were found to be signif icantly (P≤0.05) higher in HHB 234 (2.74%) than WHC 901(1.75%) on dry matter basis. Reducing sugar content was 0.72 per cent in HHB 234 and 0.60 per cent in WHC 901. The non-reducing sugars content in HHB 234 and WHC 901 was 2.02 and 1.15 per cent, respectively. The starch content in HHB 234 was f ound to be 61.66 percent and 66.11 per cent was f ound in WHC 901.Total calcium content was signif icantly (P≤0.05) hi gher in WHC901. No signif icant diff erence were observed in any other total mineral content or their HCl extractability . The phy tic acid content of WHC 901 was signif icantly (P≤0.05) higher whereas HHB 234 had si gnif icantly (P≤0.05) higher poly phenols content. However no signif icant (P≤0.05) diff erences were found in their in vitro digestibilities. Malti ng and natural f ermentation were carried out at diff erent time-temperature combinations. Eff ect of malting was studied in HHB 234 variety with 48 h germination time and kil ning at 50°C. Malting si gnif icantly (P≤0.05) decreased the moisture by 22.42 per cent. Crude protein content was reduced si gnif icantly by 11.71 per cent. Crude f at content was also reduced signif icantly (P≤0.01) af ter malting f rom 6.13 to 5.30 per cent (13.53% reduction). Malting resulted in reduced ash content, insoluble dietary f ibre, total carbohy drates, non-reducing sugar s, st arch, total phosphorus, calcium and manganese content, phy tic acid and polyphenol content but signif icantly increased crude f ibre, total dietary f ibre, Soluble dietary f ibre, total soluble sugars, reducing sugar s, HCl extractable phosphorus, calcium, iron and manganese content, In vitro st arch and protein digestibility . The effect of natural fermentation with buttermilk was st udied in pearl millet variety WHC 901 with 24 hr f ermentation at 25 0 C. Fermentation resulted in reduced crude protein content, insoluble dietary f ibre, starch, phy tic acid and poly phenols and signif icantly increased soluble dietary f ibre, total soluble sugar s, reducing and non-reducing sugar s, HCl extractability of all the minerals, In vit ro starch and protein digestibility . Khichri mix, Cake, Bi scuit, Dhokla and Lapsi were developed using HHB 234 malted f or 48 hours. Rabri mix and Dhokla were developed using WHC 901 f ermented for 24 hours at 25 0 C. All the developed products were acceptable to the panel of judges. The products had good nutritional prof ile. Biscuits, khi chri mix and Rabri mix could be stored successf ully up to 90 day s.
Millets, Fermentation, Bakery products, Flours, Malt, Proteins, Biological phenomena, Acidity, Carbohydrates, Sugar