Planting Methods of Paddy Cultivation in Haryana – A Comparative Economic Analysis

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The study was conducted in Karnal and Kaithal district of Haryana in 2017-18 to study the comparative economic of paddy cultivation methods in the state. It was revealed that major farmers in Karnal and Kaithal were practicing the puddled transplanted rice because of less complexity and more familiarity with method rather than direct seeded rice. Even though, the cost of cultivation was found to be higher in PTR due to higher cost in transplanting still farmers practicing PTR method. The share of variable cost in total cost of puddled transplanted rice was higher than the direct seeded rice, while the share of fixed cost in total cost of DSR was found to be higher compare to PTR. On the other hand the cost fertilizer and plant protection were higher in direct seeded rice rather than puddled transplanted rice. Profitability was found to be higher in DSR method. Per hectare main product was more in PTR method than the other one. The result of the study displayed that in case of input output relationship of paddy cultivation in Haryana, elasticity of production was decreasing return to scale indicating resources in puddled transplanted was over utilized but in direct seeded rice elasticity of production was constant return to scale implying that the resources were efficiently used. Maximum input energy was consumed by post irrigation, fertilizer application and preparatory tillage/ pudlling operations. Though, puddled transplanted rice was produced higher output energy as compared to direct seeded. Whereas, on the other side, output-input ratio were observed higher in direct seeded rice compared to puddled transplanted rice indicated energy efficient technology. The constraint for production of PTR were shortage of labour during transplanting, erratic supply of electricity and the declining of water table and in DSR weed infestation, first month critical and Rodents were the major problem.