Nutritional evaluation and product development from white and yellow pearl millet varieties

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The present study was carried out to analyse physico-chemical characteristics, nutritional parameters and shelf-life of white and yellow pearl millet varieties and to utilize them for product development. Grey variety (HHB-67) was kept as control. The protein, fat, carbohydrate and starch content ranged from 12.32 to 15.97, 5.03 to 6.37, 75.89 to 79.07 and 54.0 to 63.30 per cent, respectively among different pearl millet varieties. The mineral profile of the pearl millet was good. The proportion of antinutrients (polyphenols and phytic acid) in white and yellow pearl millet varieties were low as compared to the grey variety. Whereas, in vitro digestibilities of white and yellow varieties was higher than the grey variety. Shelf-life study of pearl millet flour which was conducted for 20 days indicated that peroxide value, free fatty acid and lipase activity increased significantly with increase in storage period. However, the pearl millet flour could be stored successfully at 250C and remained acceptable upto 20 days. The products (cake, biscuits, bakli, suhali, noodles and popped laddoo) prepared from white and yellow variety were more acceptable than the similar products prepared from grey pearl millet variety. It could be inferred that on an average, white and yellow pearl millet varieties were nutritionally and organoleptically better than grey variety. So, white and yellow varieties can be used for increasing the product range with better nutritional quality at commercial level.