Evaluation of Grain Storage Methods Adopted by Farmers

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UAS, Dharwad
A study on evaluation of grain storage methods adopted by farmers was carried out during the year 2010-2011. Sixty farmers adopting improved method and sixty farmers adopting traditional method of grain storage formed the sample for the study. The data was elicited through the personal interview method using pre-tested schedule. The study revealed that cereals were threshed by machines, while pulses manually. Grain loss was maximum when grains were transported by tractor (0.73%) than the bullock cart (0.63%). Over 50 per cent of maize (67.44%), bengalgram (58.33%) and greengram (52.00%) growers used gunny bags for storage. Higher per cent (44.17%) of jowar growers used Pucca koti for storage of grains. Highest loss (20.90%) was observed in case of underground storage of jowar crop, while in case of gunny bags and Pucca koti, the loss was about 6.63 and 6.07 per cent, respectively. Minimum loss of grains was observed in gunny bags lined with polythene sheet (3.24%). About 50 per cent of crop harvest of wheat and jowar was retained for domestic use, while over 90 per cent of maize was used for commercial sale by farmers. In case of groundnut and pulses, almost one - third of the produce was retained for domestic use. Farmers reported that pre-storage loss during drying and cleaning was higher (1.01%) than the loss during the storage (0.72%). The average storage cost per quintal per year was highest (Rs. 30.00) in gunny bags lined with polythene sheet and lowest (Rs. 1.16) in case of underground storage. Pucca koti was most preferred method by farmers adopting improved method with first rank. In case of farmers adopting traditional method, gunny bag was their first choice
Agricultural Extension Education