ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “ Morpho-chemical evalution of different population of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle” was carried out in Department of Forest Products, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (H.P.) during 2010-2013 with the objective 1. Inter and Intra population studies on morphological parameters and 2. Studies on variation in podophyllotoxin in different morphotype/ population. During the present study, ten populations of Podophyllum hexandrum from Himachal Pradesh at altitude ranging from 2050 m to 3636 m amsl were studied. Plants of Podophyllum hexandrum were observed to have different number of leaves/ plant viz single leaf, two leaves, three leaves and four leaves per plant. The plant bearing single leaf were more abundant (48.08 %) as compared to two leaved (35.35 %), three leaved (16.94 %) and four leaved plant (0.20 %). The four leaved plants were observed only at one population at Manali. Considerable morphological variations in the lamina shape of leaf was observed and ten lamina shapes were documented. The lamina shape and number of leaves/ plant of most of the plants was found to vary in successive vegetational cycles when observed at two distinct geographical locations. However, one plant with stable lamina shape and number of leaves/ plant was isolated. Significant variation in morphological characters such as plant height, leaf size, leaf incision depth, no. of roots/ plant, root length, rhizome size, root biomass/ plant, rhizome biomass/ plant and rootstock biomass/ plant was observed in plants of different populations. The podophyllotoxin content in different types of plants of different population ranged from 2.93 % t 6.31 % in roots, 2.22 % to 8.96 % in rhizomes and 2.85 % to 6.95 % in whole underground part i.e. rootstock. However, no correlation between no. of leaves/ plant and podophyllotoxin content in root, rhizome and rootstock was observed.
Podophyllum hexandrum Royle,Morpho-chemical ,Effects