To Study the Growth rate Area Production And Productivity Of Major Crops In The Plateau Region Of Bihar

dc.contributor.authorAmalendu Kumar
dc.description.abstractThe following conclusion drawn from the investigation 1. There is no change in acreage of gross cropped area during green revolution period in the plateau region of Bihar. 2. There has been shifting in cropping pattern in green revolution period in the plateau region. 3. The productivity of all crops has increased during green revolution period in the plateau region. 4. There is no definite trend in growth rate of area of rice and maize during pre-green revolution period while the positive trend exists during the same period in case of gram and wheat. 5. Like pre- green revolution period there is no definite trend in growth rate of areas of crops under study during green revolution. 6. Again trend is no definite trend in the growth rate of productivity of crops under study during green revolution period; However, the productivity of these crops has increased during the same period. 7. In both cases i.e. area and productivity ,rabi crops are less stable as compared to Kharif crops during green revolution period.
dc.publisherBirsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
dc.subAgricultural Economics
dc.themeTo Study the Growth rate Area Production And Productivity Of Major Crops In The Plateau Region Of Bihar
dc.titleTo Study the Growth rate Area Production And Productivity Of Major Crops In The Plateau Region Of Bihar