Women empowerment through group action in the kudumbashree programme of kerala: a multidimensional analysis

dc.contributor.advisorMothilal Nehru, S
dc.contributor.authorPriya Devi, R
dc.description.abstractThe study was aimed to assess the extent of eradication of poverty and the dimensions of empowerment in the Kudumbashree programme of Kerala government for poverty alleviation. The determinants of performance of Self Help Groups organized in neighborhood basis and their functional and structural analysis including the tangible and intangible benefits and constraints were also studied. Suggestions to enhance the efficiency of the Self Help Groups(SHGs) in agriculture and other sectors organized under the Kudumbashree programme were made. A sample of 300 respondents was selected at random from three districts of three regions of the state namely Thiruvananthapuram from south Kerala, Ernakulam from central Kerala and Malappuram from north Kerala which were selected randomly. In each district, 25 SHGs comprising 20 non-agriculture and 5 agriculture oriented SHGs were selected. The structural and functional analysis of Kudumbashree was carried out by Mc Kinsey procedure of SWOT analysis. The implementing category of personnel namely top management, middle management and grass-root functionaries and the selected SHG members were the respondents for the study. The nature, extent and style of functioning of Kudumbashree were studied with the above respondents.Besides, all implementing personnel working in the above three districts were also selected. Interactions with state level management personnel were done to elicit information regarding the study and also for triangulating findings. A sub sample consisting of five poorly performing SHGs from agriculture and non-agriculture sectors making total of ten SHGs on the basis of perception of the implementing officials and the result of the study were selected for in depth sub sample analysis and their limitations were stated. In the study it was assumed that the dependent variables poverty eradication and women empowerment were interrelated with the performance level of the groups having an intervening effect .A measurement scale for PEI was developed to measure extent of poverty eradication which was one of the dependent variable as a specific objective of the study. Poverty eradication index was the yardstick or standard to measure how far the Kudumbashree has alleviated the incidence of poverty among the members .The index consisted of eight constitutive factors and the cumulative expression of the scores in relation to the factors is the poverty eradication index of the respondent. The data was gathered by using the pre tested interview schedule / questionnaire developed for the study. Statistical tools used in the study were quartile deviation, mean, ANOVA and correlation analysis. Poverty eradication index score and empowerment score were given in quartile range to show the extent of poverty eradication and empowerment attained by the Kudumbashree programme. Categorisation was done in low, medium, high and over. As recorded in the study, regarding health care majority of the respondents were dependent on primary health care centre and the constraints felt were lack of supply of medicines, doctors not being available for ensuring timely medical care and the primary health centre located far away from the home. Nature of savings of respondents were with majority having group savings while post office savings, insurance and chitties were also reported.Borrowing pattern regarding the source of borrowing by the respondents showed only reliable institutional sources were used to avail loans by the majority.For purpose of borrowing repayment of debt was recorded as the highest felt need requiring borrowings followed by shelter renovation activities and health care need. Regarding the confidence of repayment majority reported they were confident of repayment while borrowing the amount. But 270 of them had experienced instances of inability to repay on time. 276 respondents of them had felt mental stress due to non repayment of borrowed amount on time. Access to safe drinking water and the source for drinking water as recorded in the study had half of the respondents having access to safe drinking water in their house premises itself. Regarding the vulnerability status of the respondents it was seen that majority of them had faced a situation were they have been unemployed for a month or more. They took loan or lent out assets in the situation. Regarding alcoholism 120 of respondents agreed that the earning male member of the family was alcoholic. Control over earnings had majority satisfied with the expenditure pattern of the family. Regarding entrepreneurial culture 60 of respondents had a temporary job while 99 had permanent job. 75 had reported to go to job daily while 60 had job availability sometimes only. All respondents had reported that they think the work undertaken by them was respectable in society. According to perception of respondents, repayment of loan and not possessing own home were the major factors of poverty while risk factors were damaged house or having no own house. The next constraint was recorded for having no or only one regular employed person in the family. Poverty eradication index ranged from a minimum of 19.51 in all three districts to a maximum of 60.53 in Thiruvananthapuram and 65.76 in both Ernakulam and Malappuram .The mean index was 41.26 in Thiruvananthapuram, 43.92 in Ernakulam and 41.07 in Malappuram. Thus a wide variation in the extent of poverty eradication was shown .The activities will have to be strengthened further to ensure appreciable alleviation of poverty. Empowerment index recorded a minimum of 29.70 in all three districts to a maximum of 86.07 in Thiruvananthapuram and 77.68 in both Ernakulam and Malappuram .The mean index was 55.10 in Thiruvananthapuram, 53.03 in Ernakulam and 51.36 in Malappuram. Regarding relationship between poverty eradication index and empowerment index, all three districts showed significant relationship in this study.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test showed significant results for empowerment index. Inferences from categorization of groups in the districts based on group performance index were that medium level of group performance was shown by majority of groups. In depth sub sample analysis had the following limitations identified. For the group doing rice farming, the owners are reluctant to lease out every season and processing units and storage facilities were absent. The members of the computer units had to meet extra expenses of electricity bill and the rent for the building from the income. Delay in payment of works undertaken for public purposes was reported. Marketing is a difficult task for coconut oil and for pappad making units.Drudgery, improper risk management, improper auditing and absence of diversification of crops were also reported. Design of the action program was done with formulation of plan for vegetable cultivation with College of Agriculture,Vellayani as source to get timely information, inputs and technical support.Execution of action program was done and impact assessed by proper monitoring of the process, identifying technological constraints with its solutions. SWOT analysis of Kudumbasree program showed that the localised social upliftment measures by community based organization, enhanced participation through meetings at home and the facilitation of women to enter public life was the major strengths. Productive usage of loan amount through canalised allotment of resources and holistic identification of poor not based on income/consumption but based on risk factors of poverty were the major strengths of the programme. The weaknesses of the programme recorded were leadership being influenced by political interference leading to corruption in work culture and intra group conflicts have been reported to limit the success of certain enterprises especially incase of consumptive usage of credit in absence of proper supervision. Lacks of enthusiasm among young members, cases of late approval of projects or absence of skill development for increasing the market competency were noticed. The opportunities of Kudumbasree program were establishment of social, security network for destitute rehabilitation and to increase the level of participation of members. The preparation of micro plan using the risk indices and problem identification mechanism were also opportunity. Small enterprises can be used for diversification and modernisation of rural economy and skill up gradation of general poor population. The threats include absence of quality control for ensuring market competency, dissipating enthusiasm and lack of proper tie up with line departments .Lack of autonomy in policy formulation lead to micro plan being not given due consideration. Charge officers are not provided technical up gradation for supporting the enterprises and the products lacked local market demand. Tangible and intangible benefits identified in the study were extension of decentralization process to further grass root levels, enhanced female control over earnings, diversification and modernisation of rural economy, sustainable maintenance of Kerala model of development, dependable and trust worthy social network generated, and the reduction in social discrimination and social evils. At the level of implementation of Kudumbasree program benefits were enhanced production lending in the groups than consumption lending, non economic risk indices in identification of the beneficiaries, the multifaceted frame work to alleviate root causes of poverty , reduction in under employment and educated unemployment followed by the provision of separate administration over centrally sponsored programs . The benefits at beneficiary level included constituting a working group for poverty reduction and the habit of savings first and credit later aiding to self dependence. The existence of a group fund gave members experience in money management and trust in people ensure repayment. Also enhanced food security by undertaking rice farming, participatory need based decision making and the ability of NHGs to act as a forum to share concern were other benefits. The major constraints in planning level were panchayaths not creatively participating in project design and micro enterprise planning followed by lack of symbolic policy formulation from part of State Government. Regarding the implementation level the major constraint was recorded as no remuneration paid for the activities undertaken by ADS and CDS Secretaries is followed by the enterprises not being matched with market demands or incompatible to daily routine of members. Mixing up the poor and non- poor in groups was a sure path to failure. Also some beneficiaries sell the productive assets for immediate financial benefit which limits timely repayment. Suggestions on the basis of the study were that rejuvenation and intensification of the Kudumbashree need appraisals and campaigns to limit exploitation in a target oriented manner. Policy formulations from State Government for investment in social capital have to be given more priority; sales promotion must be undertaken widely assisted with innovative enterprise planning and implementation. Technical support for finance management and common supply of raw materials like Bamboos at reasonable cost should be ensured. The stationery supply for canteens can also be organised in common basis by using the wide network generated. The link agents between NHGs and CDS should be ensured proper payment. Sustainability measures including marketing outlets and reduction in drudgery, the schedule for loan recovery specific to enterprise according to the pattern of returns and prevention of sale of assets purchased must be ensured. Proper representation of general problems by consolidation and prioritisation of such ideas to micro plans should be undertaken. More profitable enterprises involving more members by sharing of experiences must be done. Incentives for timely repayment, proper guidance and conflict management cell should be ensured. Suggestions to improve functioning of agriculture oriented groups is to develop a regulated system to pass on specification of the orders to units, timely supply of quality inputs like raw materials through proper channels should be undertaken. Documentation of activities can organize the activities in a scientific manner. Interested members should be motivated by trainings. Small scale units of diverse products with market demand like medicinal plants, vermicomposting and mushroom culture should be organized widely. Proper grading, hygiene and attractive packing to ensure market competency should be done within the local infrastructure available.en_US
dc.keywordsAgricultural Extensionen_US
dc.publisherDepartment Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayanien_US
dc.subAgricultural Extensionen_US
dc.themeGroup action in the kudumbashree programme of keralaen_US
dc.titleWomen empowerment through group action in the kudumbashree programme of kerala: a multidimensional analysisen_US
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