Economic analysis of cool season vegetables in Devikulam block of Idukki District

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Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara
The present study on the economic analysis of production and marketing of cool season vegetables in Devikulam block of ldukki district was aimed at analysing the economics of cooi season vegetables like potato, garlic, carrot and cabbage, and to assess the marketing efficiency and constraints faced by the vegetable growers. The study was conducted with a sample of 50 growers per vegetable, Percentage analysis was used to analyse the data and stochastic frontier production function was fitted for analysing technical efficiency. Cost Ab Cost BJ, Cost Cl and Cost C3 per hectare were Rs.25951.1 0, Rs.26438.09, Rs.32155.06 and Rs.35370.56 respectively for potato. The figures in the same order were Rs.22021.50, Rs.22333.93, Rs.31490.92 and Rs.34640.0 1 for garlic. The corresponding figures were Rs.18550.94, Rs.18903.04, Rs.27786.99 and Rs.30565.69 respectively for carrot. The figures were Rs.16239.85, Rs.16579.76, Rs.25243.88 and Rs.27768.27 respectively for cabbage in same order. The outputs per hectare were 8563.22 kg in the case of potato and for garlic, carrot and cabbage the same was 3016.63 kg, 5878.56 kg and 16360.11 kg respectively. The gross values of output per hectare at the prevailing price were RsA8698.68, Rs.37117.38, Rs.35039.98 and Rs.28948.39 for potato, garlic, carrot and cabbage in respective order. Costs of production per quintal of potato based on Cost A 1, Cost Bb Cost Cl and Cost C3 were Rs.303.05, Rs.308.74, Rs.375.50 and RsA13.05 respectively. For garlic, the figures were Rs.73 1.46, Rs.741.84, Rs.I045.99 and Rs.1150.59 in same order. The corresponding figures were Rs.315.57, Rs.321.56, RsA 72.68 and Rs.519.95 for carrot. The figures in same order for cabbage were Rs.99.26, Rs.I01.34, RS.154.30 and Rs.169.73. Farm business income in Rs per hectare for potato was 22747.58 and the same was 15095.88, 16489.04 and 12708.54 respectively for garlic, carrot and cabbage. Family labour incomes Rs per hectare for potato, garlic, carrot and cabbage were 22260.59, 14783.45, 16136.94 and 12368.63 respectively for potato, garlic, carrot and cabbage. Farm investment incomes Rs per hectare for potato. garlic, carrot and cabbage were 17030.62, 9378.92, 7605.09 and 5138.64 respectively. The net income Rs per hectare was 13328.12 for potato, 2477.3 7 for garlic, 4474.29 for carrot and 2383.77 for cabbage. Benefit cost ratios based on Cost Ab Cost Bb Cost Cl and Cost C3 were 1.88, 1.84, 1.51 and 1.38 respectively for potato. The figures in same order were 1.69, 1.66, 1.18 and 1.07 respectively for garlic. The corresponding figures were 1.89, 1.85, ].26 and 1.15 respectively for carrot and the same figures were 1.78. 1.75, 1.20 and 1.09 respectively for cabbage. Bulk line cost in Rs per q was 514.48, 1518.99, 709.99 and 199.57 respectively for potato garlic, carrot and cabbage. The average technical efficiencies of potato, garlic, carrot and cabbage were 0.78. 0.80,0.71 and 0.63 respectively. The major marketing channel identified was Producer-Village merchant-Commission agent-Wbolesaler-Retailer-Consumer. The producer's share in consumer's rupee was Rs.5.89- (49.86 per cent) for potato and the same was Rs.I2.S0 (43.46 per cent) for garlic, Rs.6.12 (60.12 per cent) for carrot and Rs.2.17 (42.14 per cent) for cabbage. The index of marketing efficiency was the highest for carrot (1.53) followed by potato (1.49), garlic (0.77) and cabbage (0.73). Low price for the produce was the most important problem faced by the fanners of cool season vegetables in the study area.