Efficacy of Herbicides on Growth and Yield of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.)
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Agriculture University, Jodhpur
The field experiment entitled “Efficacy of herbicides on growth and yield of
chia (Salvia hispanica L.)” was conducted at Research Farm of ARS, Mandor,
Jodhpur, Agriculture University, Jodhpur during Rabi season of 2021-22. The
treatments consisting of ten treatments of weed management viz. bentazon 48% SL
500 g/ha at 30 DAS (T1), bentazon 48% SL 750 g/ha at 30 DAS (T2),
fluazifop–p butyl 11.1% SL 100 g/ha at 30 DAS (T3), fluazifop–p-butyl 11.1% SL 200 g/ha at 30
DAS (T4), sulfentrazon 39.6% SC 50 g/ha as pre-emergence (T5), sulfentrazon 39.6%
SC 75 g/ha as pre-emergence (T6), pendimethalin 38.7% CS 200 g/ha pre-emergence
(T7), pendimethalin 38.7% CS 400 g/ha pre-emergence (T8), weed free (T9) and
weedy check (T10) were laid out in randomized block design with three replications.
Results revealed that post-emergence application of bentazon 48% SL 750
g/ha recorded significantly lower density of total weeds, total dry weight of weeds,
weed index and higher weed control efficiency, growth attributes, yield attributes,
yield, net returns and BC ratio as compared to weedy check. Among pre-emergence
applied herbicides, sulfentrazon 39.6% SC 75 g/ha (T6) and pendimethalin 38.7% CS
400 g/ha (T8) were statistically at par and recorded significantly higher growth and
yield attributes and lower total dry weight of weeds, weed index and higher weed
control efficiency. Therefore, bentazon 48% SL 750 g/ha as post-emergence (30
DAS) herbicide and sulfentrazon 39.6% SC 75 g/ha or pendimethalin 38.7% CS 400
g/ha as pre-emergence can be used for weed control in chia crop.
Kumar, Anuj 2022. Efficacy of Herbicides on Growth and Yield of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.). M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agriculture, Agriculture University, Jodhpur