Pharmacokinetic Study of Levofloxacin, Flunixin and Their Interaction in Goat

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MAFSU, Nagpur
The present study was planned to evaluate the pharmacokinetic parameters of Flunixin in the plasma of goats after a single dose intramuscular injection of Flunixin, Levofloxacin alone, and in combination by high-performance liquid chromatography. The blood samples were collected from the right jugular vein into heparinized vacutainer at zero (blank sample), 0.166 (10 min), 0.33 (20min), .5 (30min), 1 (60 min), 2 (120min), 4 (240min), 6 (360 min), 8 (480min) 10 (600 min), 12 (720 min), 24 (1440 min), 36 (2160 min), 48 (2880min) hours after treatment. the mean Cmax, Tmax, AUC (0-24hr), CL, Vd, t1/2, and MRT of Levofloxacin was 2.19 ug/ml, 40 min, 37.16 ug/ml*ml, 0.089 mg/ug/ml) min, 125.94 mg/ug/ml, 146,15 min, and 258.62 min after intramuscular administration of Levofloxacin alone at a 5mg/kg body weight dose in goats. While the mean peak plasma concentration (Cmax), time to reach maximum concentration (Tmax), the area under the curve (0-2880 minutes), total body clearance (CL), the volume of distribution (Vd), and t½ and MRT of Levofloxacin was 2.29μg/ml, 25 minutes, 425,41 μg/ml*min, 0.189 (mg)/μg/ml) min, 21.86 (mg)/ug/ml, 80.19 min, and 158.21 minutes after co-administering Levofloxacin and Flunixin. In the present study, Levofloxacin was first detected at min until 48 hours were detected in plasma. However, when Levofloxacin and Flunixin were co-administered by intramuscular route, Levofloxacin was detected at 10 min and till 10 hours detected in 4 goats out of 6 goats. The result indicates that co-administering affects the clearance and half-life of Levofloxacin. Coadministration of Levofloxacin and Flunixin enhances the levofloxacin absorption and also elimination half-life. The reduction in Flunixin clearance observed in the coadministration case revealed that both drugs interact with each other during elimination. It was concluded that care should be taken in using Flunixin and Levofloxacin in goats to avoid untoward reactions of Flunixin.