Integrated Nutrient Management of Upland Rice

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Productivity of rainfed upland rice is far below the national average, which needs to be increased through proper nutrient management to feed the ever increasing population. Hence a field experiment was conducted at Birsa Agricultural University farm, Ranchi during Kharif season of 2001, on sandy loam soil (Silt 25.2%, clay 16.5%), acidic in reaction (pH 5.8), medium in available nitrogen (330.69 kg N/ha), low in: phosphorus (34.5 kg P₂O,/ha) and potassium (220 kg K₂O/ha) to find out suitable nutrient management of upland rice for higher growth, productivity, profitability and nutrient utilization. treatments Ten s consisting of different combination of organic and inorganic nutrient as well as inorganic alone viz: (i) Farmer's practice kg urea/ha) (ii) Improved practice (100% NPK, N60 P30 K20 kg/ha), (iii) 150% NPK/ha (iv) St FYM /ha 100% NPK (v) St FYM /ha + 50% NPK, (vi) 2.5t FYM + 50% NPK, (vii) 2.5t vermicompost /ha + 100% NPK, (viii) 2.5t vermicompost /ha + 50% NPK, (ix) 1.25t vermicompost /ha + 50% NPK and (x) Rice: Green manure (2:1) + 100% NPK/ha were laid out in a randomized block design and replicated four times. Upland rice grown with 150% recommended NPK/ha produced timum grain (1302 kg/ha) and straw yield (4031 kg/ha) with biomass and grain production rate of 56.14 and 37.2 kg/ha/day respectively. This was followed application of St FYM /ha + 100% NPK and 2.5t vermicompost/ha by + 100% NPK This was attributed to high yield attributing characters like productive tillers (170.25/m²), panicle length (16.95cm), panicle weight (1.49g), number of grains per panicle (50.25), filled grains per panicle (43.82), grain weight per panicle (1.2g) and 1000-seed weight (24.95g). Upland rice with 150% recommenced fertilizer also produced maximum dry matter (666.65 g/m²) and its partitioning into grain owing to higher leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative crop growth rate and net assimilation rate. Similarly, maximum net return (Rs. 2368/ha) and benefit:cost ratio (Rs. 0.38 per rupee investment) was recorded with 150% NPK, which was on par with application of St FYM/ha + 100% NPK. Application of 150% recommended NPK also recorded maximum nutrient uptake (38.84:9.86: 81.50 kg NPK/ha) as well as soil available nutrient after crop harvest (326.14 33.10 218.40 kg NPK/ha) and hence minimized nutrient loss (4.55: 1.4 1.6 kg NPK/ha) during crop period. This was followed by application of St FYM/ha + 100% NPK and 2.5t vermicompost /ha + 100 % NPK respectively. Based on the findings of present investigation it can be concluded that growing of upland rice either with 150% recommended NPK (90 45 30 kg NPK/ha) or integration of St FYM/ha + 100% NPK is suitable nutrient management system for better growth, higher productivity as well as profitability, nutrient utilization and soil health.