Nutritional composition processing for value addition and anticalcifying properties of selected horse gram genotypes

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University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru
The study was conducted to assess the physico-chemical and functional properties, nutrient composition, antinutritional factors, bioaccessibility of iron and calcium, antialcifying properties and to develop value added products from selected horse gram genotypes. Horse gram genotypes selected for the study were, AK- 1, A-4-6-6, AK-42, BGM-1, CRHG-1, CRHG-2, CRHG-9, CRHG-10, CRHG-12, GHG-5, GHG-13, HG-5, IKGH05-01, KBHG-1, PHG-9, VLG-8, VLG-10, VLG-19. Estimations were carried out using standard procedures in duplicate. Physical characteristics included 100 seed weight, 100 seed volume, swelling capacity and swelling index were found to be 3.0 to 4.86 g, 2.96 to 3.5 ml, 1.55 to 4.40 ml (/100 seeds) and 46.85 to 153. Among the functional properties water absorption capacity ranged from 1.05 to 2.05 ml/g, fat absorption capacity was 0.85 to 1.60 ml/g, emulsification value was 1.92 to 2.92 ml/g. Bioavailability of iron and calcium ranged from 3.84 to 8.86 and 7.83 to 12.36 mg/100 g respectively. Genotypic variation was evident in the level of antinutrients such as tannins, phytates, total phenols and oxalates. The products prepared from horse gram genotypes were well accepted and could be stored for a period of two months. Horse gram genotypes were rich in protein (g) from 22.9 to 29.4, fat from 0.02 to 2.18 g, crude fiber from 3.43 to 5.89 g, carbohydrate from 50.8 to 61.8 g and energy from 314.75 to 354.51 (Kcal). Horse gram genotypes showed higher calcium, potassium and magnesium content. Processing such as, roasting and germination increased the PER markedly i.e. 1.63 and 1.75 respectively compare to raw (1.18) seeds. Horse gram genotypes exhibited anticalcifying properties i.e. the accretion of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate was significantly lower in horse gram extract. Thus, diversified possibilities of use of horse gram for daily consumption could be suitably exploited for commercial, economic as well as health.
biological phenomena, land resources, genes, livestock, bronchitis, nucleotides, diseases, productivity, viruses, sampling