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Dr.RPCAU, Pusa
Groundwater is the most preferred water source in various user sectors in India due to its near universal availability, reliability and low capital cost. Groundwater resource estimation is essential for planning and management and distribution of precious ground water resource and gives us insight to allocate groundwater to various sectors like agriculture, water supply, drinking water judiciously. There is an urgent need to study the annual ground water draft, annual ground water recharge to compute the complete evaluation of ground water resource and ground water balance for future possible corrections. Keeping the above things in mind a study in “Study of Ground Water Balance and Carbon Emission due to Groundwater Abstraction in RPCAU Campus Pusa” was undertaken to estimate annual ground water recharge, annual ground water draft, and annual ground water balance for Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University Pusa Campus. The study was conducted for three years (2018 to 2020). The GEC norms 1997 was used to estimate annual ground water recharge, annual ground water draft and ground water balance for the study area. This methodology uses the water table fluctuation technique and empirical formula for recharge calculation. The data collected for this investigation were water table fluctuation, annual rainfall, normal rainfall, number of tubewells, brand of tubewells, Power rating of tubewells, tubewell discharge, operating hours and other details of pumping system, hydrology of the area, specific yield, ground water draft, pond area etc. In the present study, the energy consumption and carbon emission through groundwater abstraction in the RPCAU Pusa campus were also studied. The energy required for groundwater abstraction was estimated as per the methodology provide by Rothausen and Conway, 2011. The carbon emission through pumping of groundwater was calculated by using the methodology given by Nelson and Rothausen, 2008.The annual ground water draft used for water supply was found to be 118.2 ha-m, 122.9 ha-m and 111.9 ha-m respectively for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020 and the annual ground water draft used for irrigation water supply was found to be 104.8 ha-m, 105.9 ha-m and 84.6 ha-m respectively for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020 The total annual ground water recharge for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020 was found to be 108.43 ha-m, 140.49 ha-m and 194.1 ha-m respectively. The stage of ground water development for the year 2018, 2019, and 2020 was found to be 205.7 %, 162.9 % and 101.2 % respectively. The energy requirement for municipal water supply was found to be 239186.5 kWh, 243770.2 kWh and 223198.8 kWh respectively for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020. The energy requirement for irrigation water supply was found to be 155571.6 kWh, 157235 kWh, and 125622.05 kWh respectively for the year 2018, 2019, and 2020. The total carbon emission due to ground water pumping was found to be 97.2 ton, 99 ton and 90.7 ton respectively for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020. The total carbon emission due to irrigation water was found to be 63.2 ton, 63.9 ton and 51 ton respectively for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020.