GilInet selectivity studies for fishing frigate tuna, Auxis thazard Lacepede (Perciformes/Scombridae) in Thoothukkudi(Tuticorin)waters, southeast coast of India

Auxis thazard from commercial fishery in Thoothukkudi coastal waters from June to October in big meshed drift gillnets with the mesh size ranging from 60 to 100 mm. The fishery is mainly constituted by the length group)75-500 mm. The Present study deals with the estimation of mesh size to capture the commercially significant length-group (326-400 mm) of A.thazard and its enmeshing pattern in gill nets with two different mesh sizes. the-optimum of mesh size for the exploitation the commercial significant size group of A. thazard from Thoothukkudi coastal waters is estimated as g4 mm. As the Length at first maturity of this species in Thoothukkudi coast varied from 300 to 310 mm, the nets with propose mesh size would reduce growth and recruitment over fishing of A. thazard in this coast and allow for spawning before first capture.