Planning of tridhara watershed using geospatial technology

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The research work entitled “Planning of Tridhara Watershed Using Geospatial Technology” was carried out during the year of 2021-2022 in Parbhani district of Maharashtra state. In this research the Geospatial Technology was used for morphometric analysis, hypsometric analysis, Land Use/Land Cover change detection and for suggested sites suitable for soil and water conservation measures. Preparation of various thematic maps and data analysis is done by various software such as ArcGIS 10.3, QGIS, Google Earth Pro, MS-Excel, and MS-Word. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Survey of India (SOI) toposheet number 56A11, 56A15 and 56A16 with scale 1:50000 of study area were used for the base map preparation and delineation of watershed and drainage network. Tridhara watershed divided into three sub-watersheds. Morphometric and Hypsometric analysis were carried out for each sub-watershed. The linear, areal and relief parameters identified by standard formulae suggested by the Miller, Horton, Strahler, Schumn etc. The Tridhara watershed found to have a fifth order trunk stream. The bifurcation ratio shows that the geologic formations have no impact on the watershed's drainage pattern. Low form factor reveals the Tridhara watershed's elongated shape and longer-lasting water flow. Consequently, the watershed has a flat peak flow for a longer time. Less the watershed's circular characteristics, the less responsive the watershed to the storms. Highly permeable soil allows for increased water infiltration and recharge of groundwater aquifers. Due to the existence of hard the relief values are lower. The values of the hypsometric integral values of hydraulic basin ranges between 0.36 to 0.47. Values show that, the topography is in a mature stage (equilibrium) throughout the whole Tridhara watershed and its sub watersheds. Here, the HI values are less than 0.5, indicating more water harvesting-type structures may be needed to conserve water at the proper locations in the watersheds. The Land Use/Land Cover map indicates that, there are 5 main classes of land use. For the year 2022, major area in watershed is covered by agricultural land which is 7983 ha which is 61.44% of the total geographical area, Fallow land is at second position in area coverage after agriculture. The area covered by Fallow land is 3209 ha which is 24.70% of the total area. This means that 86.14% area of watershed is under agricultural practices. From 2012 to 2022, urban area increased by 160 ha which is 1.23% of total area. Which shows rapid urbanization of watershed. Only fallow land decreased by 496 ha which is 3.82% of total area. This change is due to higher rainfall in year 2021 than 2011. Also, because there is change of cropping pattern in Rabi season in watershed area. There is need of soil and water conservation measures in watershed to fulfil water requirement for farming practices. As Tridhara watershed comes under drought prone region and mainly depends on agriculture, it is essential to conserve soil and water resources in a proper manner. Based on suitable criteria, location for constructing farm ponds, nala bund and check dam were suggested. There were total 73, 25, 1 no. of structures suggested which were named as farm ponds, nala bunds and check dam respectively. These structures are suggested using GIS analysis to find a possible suitable location to save time in field surveying of entire watershed to identify suitable sites for soil and water conservation measures.