Indoor climate assessment of kindergarten schools

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Kindergarten schools accommodate children aged 3–6 for about 5–8 h daily, which make them the next most time-spent indoor environment after homes. The study entitled, ―Indoor Climate Assessment of Kindergarten Schools‖ was conducted by covering the Hisar district for checking the different environmental parameters viz. temperature, light, humidity, air quality, acoustics and formaldehyde affecting health of the students/respondents. Ten kindergarten schools were purposively selected from Hisar, out of which five schools selected were from the area near to main road/industry and the remaining five schools selected were with closer vicinity to green/calm settings. Results depicts that outdoor pollution also have effects on the indoor pollution of the school. Schools near main road/industry were found to be more polluted than the schools with closer vicinity to greener/calmer settings. Finally two of the schools with environmental parameters not upto the recommended standards were selected for further carrying out the study and determining the health problems among the students. Temperature during morning in all the schools was below recommended standards. In the afternoon, temperature of S-4(25°C) was above recommended standards and in the other schools it was within recommended range. All the schools were having formaldehyde values below the recommended standard except for the data of morning of S-6 (0.09mg/m3) and in afternoon (0.08mg/m3) which was within the recommended range. Lighting of schools had high significance relationship with headache (48.3%) and low vision (59.4%) among students. Temperature had high significance with cough/cold/running nose (42.3%), abdominal pain (49.8%), headache (42.1%) and skin problems (52.0%) among students. Also area of residence (0.549*) of the respondents were found to have high significance with health problems. The data regarding the pre and post knowledge of the school staff members were found to be significant after the intervention program.