Impact evaluation of soil and water conservation measures at pedgaon district parbhani

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The research work entitled “Impact Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation Measures at Pedgaon District Parbhani” was carried out during year 2019-2020 at Pedgaon watershed in Parbhani district. In this research work, different soil and water conservation measures were selected for impact evaluation in Pedgaon watershed area. In Pedgaon watershed, soil and water conservation measures such as graded bunds, farm ponds, cement nala bunds and earthen nala bund were implemented by Government of Maharashtra under ‘Jalyukt Shivar Yojana’ programme in 2015-16. Pedgaon watershed located at 19°32’13” N and 76°66’15” E. The geographical area of Pedgaon watershed is 3263 ha out of which 3060 ha cultivable land and 203 ha of land is not under cultivation. Total rainfall in Pedgaon watershed during year 2019-2020 was 586.1 mm. Data regarding different parameters of selected soil and water conservation measures at Pedgaon watershed collected from Department of Agriculture, Parbhani. Present dimensions of selected soil and water conservation measures at Pedgaon watershed were measured with the help of measuring tape to assess change in dimensions of different measures after their implementation. Amount of soil deposited in impounding area of selected soil and water conservation measures was determined. Total amount of water impounded at selected soil and water conservation measures was measured. To evaluate impact of different soil and water conservation measures on groundwater recharge, eight well were randomly selected at downstream side at various distances from different soil and water conservation to measure the water table in wells fortnightly during research work. In addition, water table fluctuation method was used to determined total groundwater recharge for the duration of year 2019-20. Also, impact of soil and water conservation measures on cropping pattern, crop productivity and crop production was evaluated by comparing present data of cropping pattern, crop productivity and crop production with the data of cropping pattern, crop productivity before development of Pedgaon watershed in year 2014-2015. Percent reductions in cross sectional area of graded bunds observed between 7.14% to 24 % with an average reduction in cross sectional area of 12.60 % as compared to designed cross sectional area of graded bunds due to erosion and settlement. Total soil deposited at six graded bunds over the period of three years after construction was found to be 372.49 tonnes. Increase in cultivating area and crop production after the farm pond construction was observed. Total soil deposited in selected cement nala bund was found to be 647.44 tonnes during the period of three years after construction. Total volume of water impounded in selected cement nala bunds was 2433.25 .Weight of soil deposited was found to be 608.61 tonnes during the period of three years after construction of earthen nala bund. Volume of water impounded at earthen nala bund in Pedgaon watershed was 585 in year 2019. After development of Pedgaon watershed, water level in the well was increase as compared to water level in the wells before the development of watershed. It was also observed that availability of water in well after development of watershed upto January- February month as compared to water availability in well before development of watershed it was upto December month. In kharif season, the area under the crop soybean, green gram, tur, cotton, and turmeric was found to be increased by 12.42%, 30.61%, 46.87%, 31.26%, and 200% respectively after Pedgaon watershed development. The productivity of soybean, green gram, tur, cotton, maize and turmeric was found to be increased by 57.14%, 45.45%, 30.76%, 53.84%, 30%, and 31.25% respectively during year 2018-19. The area under the crop wheat, gram, rabi jowar, safflower and other was found to be increased by 49.49 %, 35.05 %, 55.76 %, 200 %, 100 % respectively over pre-development stage of Pedgaon watershed. The productivity of wheat, gram, rabi jowar, and other crop was also increased by 14.28 %, 28.57 %, 38.88 %, 20 % respectively in Pedgaon watershed during year 2018-19 over the pre-development stage of Pedgaon watershed.