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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic And Phenotypic Studies On Growth , Reproduction Wool Traits And Survivability In Sheep
    (1989) Gani Tasleem Ahmed Shamas; R. S. Pandey
    1.Performance of the crosses of two exotic breeds (Rambouillet x Australian Merino) proved superior for growth, wool quality as vall as quantity over pure Rambouillet. 2. Although the performance of purebred Rambouillet (n) regarding body weights and wool production traits were little superior over it's various crosses with Gaddi (7/8 R+ 1/8 Gaddi and above), it appeared that 7/8 Rambouillet inheritance with Gaddi was almost optimum. 3. since the performance of Rambouillet between farms differed significantly, it appeared that the genotype and environment interaction was probably important for this breed, suggesting lot of potential for further improvement by optimizing the management practices. 4. Looking at the trend of body weights in early phase of life, it was concluded that maternal effects on various body weights are important. Hence, by providing better environment to lambs in pre, neo and early stages of postnatal life through-dam, better lamb crop could be expected. 5. With increase in parity order beyond 5th, the growth traits and survivability did not indicate encouraging trend, therefore, eves should not be used for breeding purposes beyond 5th parities. However, in cases of exceptionally indispensible eves, breeding beyond 5th parities should be fortified with extra care.