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Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur
The present research entitled “Role expectation and role performance of tribal and non- tribal women sarpanchs towards rural development in Bilaspur district (C.G.)” was carried out during the year 2015-16 in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh state. The Chhattisgarh state consists of 27 districts, out of which Bilaspur was randomly selected. Out of 645 Gram Panchayat, 336 Gram Panchayat were having women sarpanchs, from which one –third panchayats viz.112 (56 tribal and 56 non- tribal) were selected randomly for the collection of data. The data were collected personally through pre-tested interview schedule and analysed by using appropriate statistical methods. The study revealed that majority of respondents belong to middle age group (36 to 50 years), educated up to primary school level (up to 5th class) and had medium family size (5 to 8 members). Mainly male members were found to be family head (76.78%). Majority of the respondents had membership of more than three organisations. Maximum respondents were undergoing through 1st tenure (91.96%) with 50.89 per cent having more than 5 years of experience in politics. Maximum number of respondents were having land holding of 1.1 to 2 ha and their annual income was found to be within 160001 to 320000. Majority of the respondents (63.17%) had the ownership of two properties. Most of the respondents (50.00%) were categorised under high (7 to 9 sources) usage of information sources from which cent percent of the respondents received information from tehsil and zila parishad office. In the study area, 81.25 per cent of the respondents had high (>8 places visited) cosmopoliteness. As regards to participation in extension activities, 83.29 per cent respondents had discussions with extension agents. About training need of tribal and non- tribal respondents, 21.43 per cent of non- tribal and 17.85 per cent of tribal respondents mostly needed training on village development activities which have been given first category of preference among both the respondents. Actual participation of respondents in training was cent per cent. Regarding the awareness about agriculture programmes and activities, 73.21 per cent non- tribal respondents had full awareness of sources of supply inputs and 63.39 per cent of the tribal respondents were fully aware about transplanting of seedlings. In case of dairy and other programmes, 57.14 per cent respondents had full awareness about mushroom cultivation. In comparison of tribal and non- tribal respondents about their awareness in agriculture sector showed that out of 12 programmes 7 programmes were positive and significant. This indicated that non- tribal had better awareness regarding those 7 programmes and in rest of the programmes there was no such significant difference. In case of dairy sector, out of 9 programmes, significant difference were found in 6 programmes among the respondents. Maximum respondents (45.53%) had indicated reservation as the major reason for participation in leadership process rather 83.03 per cent respondents had perception related to their improvement in social status due to participation in leadership. Regarding role performance of the respondents, maximum (41.96%) respondents had low performance towards rural development. Overall role performance of tribal respondents were only 21.51 per cent whereas in case of non- tribal respondents, it was 43.57 per cent. Further, by analysing all total respondents, the role performance was found up to 32.47 per cent. In z-analysis it was found that the role performance of non- tribal respondents were positive and significantly better than tribal respondents. In correlation analysis, the finding revealed that out of 15 independent variables, 11 variables i.e. age, education, experience in politics, material possession, annual income, ownership of assets, sources of information, cosmopoliteness, participation in extension activities, participation in training and awareness about programmes/activities were found significantly correlated with role performance of tribal and non- tribal women sarpanchs at 0.01 and 0.05 level of probability. In multiple regression, 6 variables i.e. age, ownership of assets, sources of information, participation in extension activities, participation in training and awareness about programmes/activities had significant contribution in the role performance of tribal and non- tribal women sarpanchs. Remaining 9 variables did not show any significant contribution in role performance of the respondents. However, all the 15 variables fitted in the model, showed 49.8 per cent contribution in role performance of the respondents. The constraints in role performance of respondents were categorise into 4 viz. economic, technical, administrative and psychological constraints. From each categories, major constraints were no work initiation without giving bribes (51.70%), lack of knowledge regarding different rural development programmes (52.67%), delay in sanction of permission for development work from upper level (71.42%), low level education (72.32%). As regarding suggestions being offered by the respondents to remove constraints, majority (89.28%) of them suggested provision of proper administrative power to sarpanch, transparency at higher level organisations, unity among panchayat members, ensure appointment of competent staff members from village level, encouragement of women participation in village activities, regular organisation of exposure visit for women sarpanch, minimisation of family interference in work, regular training to women and minimization of gender discrimination.