Production of hybrid seed using GA3 and genetic markers in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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The present study was conducted at CCS HAU, Hisar for production of hybrid seeds using different concentration of GA3 and genetic markers. Five lines, i.e., selection-21 (potato leaf type), CLN-2366A, CLN-2116D9F1-180-31-9-40, CLN-2-16-8-2-176 and EC-339357 (anthocyaninless type) were used as female parent. Three lines Hisar Arun, H-86 and VFN-8 were used as male parent are cut leaf type and anthocyanin present on the hypocotyl. Cut leaf type is dominant over potato leaf type and anthocyanin type is dominant over anthocyaninless type. GA3 was sprayed 40 and 60 days after transplanting as whole plant spray @ 50 and 100 ppm. Fifteen different crosses were made and observations for per cent fruit set, number of seeds per fruit, seed germination, seed vigour index I and II and percent hybrids plants. Confirmation of markers was done at early stage of seedling in the green house. Among all the treatments, the GA3 50 ppm was found best for fruit setting and seed germination. However, for the number of seeds per fruit and seed vigour index I and II, hand emasculation and hand pollination was at par with GA3 50 ppm. The per cent hybrid plants identified at seedling stage were non significant under different treatments. However, cost of producing hybrid seed was 38% less in GA3 50 ppm as compared to hand emasculation and hand pollination. The futuristic approach of hybrid seed production using different concentrations of GA3 on different genetic markers and ancillary investigations have been suggested.