Diversity, Distribution and indigenous use of NTFPs in Chamba block, District Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand

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College of Forestry, Ranichauri, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry.
The present study was carried out in six villages of Chamba Block, at different altitudinal ranges between 800 and 2400 amsl. The NTFP diversity was assessed by laying six sample plots in forest nearby village at three different altitudinal ranges viz., 800- 1000msl, 1400-1600msl, 2000-2200 amsl. Information regarding traditional / indigenous utilization pattern of Non- timber forest products and gender contribution towards NTFP collection and Knowledge transformation was obtained by conducting field survey with local people in the study area. A total of six villages were randomly selected for diversity assessment and survey was carried out in two villages in each altitudinal ranges. Present study revealed that study area is having ample amount of NTFPs; and also NTFPs distribution varied from one altitudinal range to another. A total of 261 NTFP species belonging to different life forms; trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers and grasses were found in Chamba block, District Tehri Garhwal. Out of 261 NTFP species, 46 species of trees, 50 species of shrubs, 94 species of herbs, 37 species of grasses and 34 species of climber were reported from study area. To reveal NTFPs distribution, diversity assessment of NTFPs was done at three different altitudinal ranges viz., 800-1000, 1400-1600 and 2000-2200 amsl. Tree diversity was maximum at 800-1000 amsl with maximum diversity index (0.97) and minimum tree diversity (0.71) was observed at 1400-1600 amsl; Acacia catechu recorded a maximum density (200 individuals/ha), and it records a high IVI of (47.8), other prominent species were Melia azedarach, Bauhinia variegata, Bauhinia semla, Erythrina indica, Bombax ceiba, and Acacia dealbata. Whereas, maximum shrubs diversity was recorded at 1400-1600 amsl with maximum diversity index (1.02) and minimum diversity (0.83) was recorded at 800-1000 amsl. The most prominent shrubs species was Urtica dioica with maximum density (1120 individuals/ha), and IVI (45.9), other prominent shrubs were Berberis aristata, Rhus parviflora, Rubus ellipticus, Berberis chitria, Rosa macrophylla, Woodfordia Fruticosa, and Lantana camara. Maximum herb diversity was recorded at 2000-2200 amsl with diversity value (1.07) and minimum diversity (0.87) was recorded at 800-1000 amsl. Most prominent herbs was Myrsine africana with maximum density (2.7 individuals/m2), and IVI (41.7), other prominent species were Fragaria nubicola, Bidens pilosa, Cannabis sativa, Rumex hastatus, Rumex nepalensis, Salvia lanata, and Thalictrum foliolosum. Regarding traditional utilization, About 89 NTFP species have been utilized by the local people of Chamba Block, Tehri Garhwal. Out of 89 species; 37 tree species, 18 shrub species, 24 herb species and 10 grass species were reported from study area. The species like Alnus nepalensis, Bauhinia variegata, Grewia optiva, and Quercus leucotrichophora are being used by local people as food, fodder, medicine, edible, fiber and to make agricultural implements. With Regard to NTFP collection female in age group 40-60 were actively involved as compared to male in all age groups. Regarding knowledge transformation, women in age group of above 60 contributes maximum (45%) followed by women in age group of 40-60 (22%) and least contribution (0%) was recorded for male in age group of 25- 40. With regard to acceptability of knowledge transformation (age group of 10-20 both male and female) were having adequate knowledge of edibles only, but they do not have enough and detailed knowledge on other NTFPs likes valuable medicines. Traditional usage of NTFPs vary from localities to localities and also knowledge on NTFP usage was only region specific, there is no knowledge sharing among the inhabitants of different region, that has resulted in vanishing the traditional knowledge on NTFP from a part of region or whole. Similarly, out of 261 species of NTFPs in study area the inhabitants have knowledge on 89 species only; this showed that inhabitants were unaware of many valuable NTFPs in study area. This unawareness on NTFPs among inhabitants may cause extinction of threatened flora from the study area. So, a contiguous steps needs to be taken to conserve NTFPs and indigenous knowledge by preparing inventory on NTFPs and indigenous usage of specific region; and to create awareness and thereby providing knowledge on importance of NTFPs and their traditional usage knowledge among the inhabitants of whole Himalayan region.