Residential Interiors for Elderly in Dharwad City

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UAS, Dharwad
A study on residential interiors for elderly in Dharwad city was under taken during 2011-2012. A sample of fifty male and female elderly population each aged 60 years and above residing in Dharwad city (Mahant nagar, Nirmal nagar, Malamaddi, Narayanpur, Tejaswinagar, Vinayak nagar, Sadhannkeri, Malapur, Kalyan nagar and State bank colony) were selected. Thus, 100 households were visited to select the total sample of 100 respondents. The problems faced and its extent with respect to various major aspects of house design viz., problems related to house design in general entrance and stairs, bedroom, bathroom and water closet and kitchen were recorded. The study revealed that 25.00% of respondents have considered to indicated their response with respect to above variables, as a problem causing have considered them as a problem causing variables and majority of the selected respondents (<75.00%) have considered them as not problematic. The suggestions for modification were found to be storage in the house, curtains for doors and windows, two way switches near the staircase, exhaust fan in the kitchen found higher percentage of male and female sample respectively. However, suggestions for specious work counter was given by higher per cent of female respondents (54.00%). Similarly, suggestions for modifications in the bedroom of elderly population, equal per cent of male and female (44.00%) respondents have expressed to have relaxing chair in their bedroom generally reclined chairs are relaxing. Gender was found to have association with suggestions as c 2 value was statistically significant at 0.05 per cent. A good number of elderly both male & female in the present study have suggested few modifications/facilities. This reveals that they may be finding their present interior not comfortable & not a functional design. Hence, it is necessary to modify the interior of the respondents to reward them with safe and supportive surroundings.