Study on Adoption of Model Nutrition Garden by Farming Families of Punjab

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The present investigation entitled “A Study on Adoption of model nutrition garden by farming families of Punjab” was conducted with the objectives to study the extent of adoption of model nutrition garden by selected farming families of Punjab. The study was conducted in Punjab state. Ten districts were randomly selected with the help of respective KVKs. From each district one village was purposively selected. Then twenty farmers were randomly selected from each village. Thus total 200 respondents formed the sample for the study. The study highlighted that large proportion of the respondents (69.5 per cent) used 1 kanal area under nutrition garden and nearly half of the respondents (47 per cent) cultivated vegetables, pulses and fruits for their nutrition garden. Adoption quotient of area under nutrition garden was 43 per cent and adoption quotient of crops (vegetables, pulses and fruits) cultivated for nutrition garden was 80 per cent. On the whole adoption of model nutrition garden was 61.5 per cent. The findings revealed that gap analysis for practice I (area under nutrition garden) was 56.3 per cent and gap analysis for practice II (crops cultivated in nutrition garden) was 19.6 per cent. Time consuming activity, less space, health problems, animal problems and discontinued support from KVKs etc. were considered the reasons for partial adoption and discontinuance of the nutrition garden.
Home Science Extension and Communication Management, Farming Families, Nutrition garden, Model Nutrition Garden