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Rice has shaped the cultures, diets and economies of thousands of millions of people in the world. India occupies first position in the area (44.6 m ha) which is the highest area occupied by a single crop in the millionhectares. It contributes 21.5 per cent of global rice production and a share of 15 per cent in global rice export. In Andhra Pradesh rice is the Principal food crop cultivated throughout the state providing food for its growing population, fodder to the cattle and employment to the rural masses. In Andhra Pradesh, area under rice mostly depends on the monsoon pattern and availability of water in reservoirs. Area under rice was high during 2008-09 (43.87 l.ha) and lowest is in 2002-03 (28.22 l.ha). There is no scope for increasing area under rice and rice area is replaced by some profitable dry crops due to insufficient water. Rice is grown in 28% of gross cropped area and 50% of area under food crops round the year in all the districts. Though there is a rise and fall of area and production of rice based on water availability, but there is a constant increase in productivity. In the context of food security such decline in area and production is not good to meet the future rice requirement. In the coastal districts the area under rice is declining because of aquaculture activities. xii Hence the study to analyze the constraints faced by the farmers in rice production in was undertaken. The investigation was carried out in four mandals of Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh which were purposively selected, where rice were intensively grown. Ex- post- facto research design was adopted for the study. A sample of 120 farmers were randomly selected from the eight selected villages. The data were collected by personal interview method and analyzed by employing suitable statistical methods. Fourteen independent variables were subjected to statistical analysis for the purpose of categorization of the respondents and for studying their relationship with the dependent variable i.e. constraints faced by the rice farmers. Majority of the rice farmers engaged in rice farming were middle aged, medium farmers with medium farming experience, training undergone, credit orientation, social participation, mass media exposure, extension contact, economic motivation, scientific orientation, management orientation and innovativeness and with high risk orientation. Correlation analysis revealed that there was a negative and significant relationship between education, training undergone, credit orientation, social participation, mass media exposure, extension contact and scientific orientation of rice farmers. While risk orientation had positively and significant relationship with the dependent variable. However, age, farming experience, farm size, economic motivation, management orientation and innovativeness had non significant relationship with the dependent variable i.e. constraints faced by the rice farmers. Regarding constraints expressed by rice farmers in rice production, inadequate family labour was ranked first by all the rice farmers followed by unskilled labour / inadequate availability of skilled labour, younger generation not interested in rice farming, lack of cooperation among the farmers, scarcity of labour due to MGNREGS, increasing processing costs, lack of awareness on various departmental subsidy schemes, high cost of farm machinery, Lack of processing facilities at local level, lack of proper storage facilities, high cost of FYM / chemical fertilizer, high cost of labour, low labour productivity, lack of skill in using machinery, high rental charges of certain farm machinery during peak season, weed infestation and epidemics of pest and diseases. Among the suggestions proposed by the respondents to overcome the constraints, availing better market prize was ranked first to overcome the constraints in rice production followed by giving priority to rice farming in NREGP programme, adopting full mechanization in rice farming , formation of xiii procurement centre at panchayat level, implementation of interest free loan scheme to all the farmers through co-operative societies, establishment of rice mills at local level, increasing of subsidy and support for rice farming, increasing the efficiency of the extension staff , adoption of group farming approach in rice farming, implementation of schemes to provide green manure to farmers under different projects, prevention of illegal clay mining in rice farming, creating awareness among the people about the ecological importance of paddy lands were the suggestions made by the rice farmers. To overcome the constraints faced by the rice farmers and to fulfill their suggestions some of the strategies were made like contract labour schemes can be implemented with the support of panchayat and local bodies; arranging contractors who will organize a group of labourers and train them to be more skillful and efficient to work as a team; encouraging the younger generations by the extension personnel making them to know the potential of agriculture at present; making the farmers aware that agriculture can be more profitable if they join in groups to take up large scale cultivation; prioritization of agricultural works related to rice farming should be routed through NREGP helping the farmers and as well as agricultural labourers; creation of proper storage facilities at panchayat or mandal levels; provision of storage facilities where ever possible by the market yards to the farmers at lower rents; and fertilizer dealers involved in black marketing, stocking of fertilizers and selling at higher prices at peak requirement should be blacklisted and denied of their license.