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The present investigation entitled “GENETIC ANALYSIS OF YIELD AND YIELD ATTRIBUTING CHARACTERS IN HYBRID RICE (Oryza sativa L.)” was undertaken to study the combining ability, heterosis and stability of experimental hybrids for yield and yield attributing characters and to evaluate grain quality characters of the hybrids. Based on the pedigree records 20 parents (14 identified restorer lines and six CMS lines) were selected which were having ideal characters of restorer and CMS lines, in addition to yield. The selected 14 restorer lines were crossed with six male sterile lines in line x tester mating design during kharif, 2009. The resulting 84 F1 hybrids along with 20 parents and six checks including three hybrid checks (DRRH-2, PA 6201 and KRH 2) and three varietal checks (Annada, IR 64 and Jaya) were sown during rabi, 2009-2010 at three different locations situated at three different agro-climatic regions of Andhra Pradesh viz., Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kunaram for Northern Telangana Zone, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal for Central Telangana Zone and Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kampasagar for Southern Telangana Zone for studying combining ability, heterosis and stability. The pooled analysis of variance revealed significant differences due to environments for all the characters indicating significant diversity among the environments. The mean sum of squares due to parents and crosses were significant for all the characters indicating the wider variability among the parents used and hybrids developed. Comparison of parents vs. crosses recorded significant for all the characters indicating presence of heterosis. Variances due to lines and testers were significant for most of the characters and interactions of lines x tester, parents x locations, (parents vs. crosses) x locations, crosses x locations, lines x locations, testers x locations and line x testers x locations were significant for most of the yield contributing traits. This indicates the existence of wide variability in the material under study and there is a good scope for identifying promising parents and hybrid combinations and improving the yield through yield contributing characters. For the character grain yield per plant, line IR-68897A recorded significant positive gca effects at three locations and in pooled analysis and the line IR-79156A recorded significant gca effects at Warangal, Kunaram and in pooled analysis. The line IR-79128A recorded significant negative gca effects at all three locations and in pooled analysis and the line IR-58025A recorded significant negative gca effects at Kunaram, Kampasagar and in pooled analysis. Among the testers, R-17, R-53 and R-56 recorded significant positive gca effects at all three locations and in pooled analysis. The testers, R-24, R-27, R-31, R-35 and R-36 recorded significant gca effects in any of the two locations out of three locations and in pooled analysis. The testers R-21 and R-25 recorded significant negative gca effects at all three locations and in pooled analysis. The testers R-7, R-32 and R-34 recorded significant gca effects in any of the two locations out of three locations and in pooled analysis. Among 84 hybrids evaluated, 18 hybrids at Warangal, 22 hybrids at Kunaram, 22 hybrids at Kampasagar and 23 hybrids at pooled analysis recorded significant positive sca effects. The hybrids IR-58025A x R-53, IR-79128A x R-19, IR-79128A x R-56, IR-80555A x R-35 and IR-80555A x R-36 recorded significant positive sca effects at all three locations and in pooled analysis, In pooled analysis, the hybrids exhibited a range of average heterosis and heterobeltiosis from -15.38 (IR-58025A x R-7) to 87.56 (IR-80555A x R-36) and -24.35 (IR-58025A x R-7) to 87.53 (IR-80555A x R-36), respectively and 52 hybrids recorded significant positive heterobeltiosis. Standard heterosis over PA-6201 and KRH-2 ranged from -32.54 (IR-80155A x R-21) to 31.89 (IR-79128A x R-56) and -38.29 (IR-80155A x R- 21) to 20.67 (IR-79128A x R-56) respectively. 28 and 13 hybrids recorded significant positive heterosis over PA-6201 and KRH-2. Among hybrids, only one hybrid IR-79156A X R-36 (22.67g) possessed significantly higher grain yield than the best check KRH-2 (20.69g) and recorded nearer to unit bi value, hence it is considered to be ideal and highly adaptable hybrid having average stability and expected to perform well in all the environments. Eleven hybrids recorded significantly higher or on par yields and regression coefficient of more than one and hence are adaptable for favourable environments. The hybrids, IR-79128A X R-56 (24.97g), IR- 80555A X R-35 (23.91g), IR-79128A X R-17 (23.46g), IR-68897A X R-53 (22.42g) and IR-80155A X R-19 (21.77g) recorded bi values of less than one and considered to be adaptable to poor environments. Based on grain quality analysis of hybrids, five hybrids viz., IR 68897A x R56, IR 79156A x R53, IR 80555A x R19, IR 80155A x R53 and IR 80555A x R36 were identified as good grain quality hybrids with high per se performance and high heterosis for grain yield per plant.