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One of the most meaningful and pow~rful ways to communicate is by means of language. It is a symbolic form which is used for human interactions and it is crucially important in many ways. The social interaction between child and parents and between the child and other children are equally important for acquisition of language. The home environment should be stimulating and rewarding which facilitate languuge acquisition. The child mostly hears the speech of primary care-taker usually his mother. The amount of time spent with mother or mother person during early years has a significant relationship to the language acquisition of the child. Social attachment and shared attention patterns between .mother and child set the stage for language acquisition. Change in the status of women because of change in civilization, urbanisation, the opening of ~pportunities and the greater encouragement for women to persue meaningful career have ~esulted in the rise of female employment. So thus daycare centres are possibly the only solution to help working women in bringing up their children. Whether the mother is employed or unemployed it is the quality of relationship between mother and child is an important f actoL in acquiring linguistic ability. The concept of socialization has always been a part of human life. In daycare centre children have an opportunity to interact with other children in a group. This interaction process help the child to be best socialized in a group. The more the child is socialiazed, the more the interaction and the better the child acquires the language skills. From the review collected it was felt very limited research has been conducted in the mother-child interaction in the process of acquisition and impact of socialization on acquisition of the children. Therefore a need to conduct the present study. field of language language was felt The objectives of the sture were, To compare the mother child interaction in the process of language acquisition of employed and unemployed mothers. To compare the language acquisition of children of employed mothers whose children are in daycare centre and unemployed mother's children who are constantly with the mothers at home, To assess the level of socialization of children exposed to daycare centre and who are constantly with the mother. The sample constituted of 30 employed mother's children from two daycare centres (1) Baby Creche Telephone Bhavan (2) Sishu Vihar at Secretariat of Hyderabad and 30 unemployed mother's children. The sample included only those: (1) Children in the age group of 1-3 years ( 2 ) Children belonging to the families mother tongue was Telugu whose (3) Children belonging to the families whose total monthly income ranged from Rs.3000/- to Rs.6000/- (4) Children whose mother's educational level was intermediate and above in both employed and unemployed groups (5) Children from nuclear families were selected Data for the present study was collected using check-lists to assess mother-child interaction in the process of language acquisition and to assess language development of children. A score card \·:as used to assess socialization of the children. The data by using paired results revealed collected~ was tabulated and analysed t-test and two sample t-test. The are as follows:A significant difference was found in motherchild interactions of employed and un .. 1ployed mothersResults revealed a significant difference in the language acquisition of emplcyed mother's children at daycare centre and at home No significant difference was language acquisition of employed children ab· daycare centre and mother's children at home found inmother'sunemployedNo significant difference was found in language acquisition of employed mother's children at home and unemployed mother's children at home No significant difference was found in socialization of employed mother's children at daycare centre and at home Results showed no significant difference was found in socialization of employed mother's children at daycare centre and unemployed mother's children at home No significant difference was found in socialization of employed mother's children at home and unemployed mother's cuildren at home.