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Development of personality characteristics such as independence, self reliance, initiative and judgement in the preschool children is encouraged by self-dressing. Clothing which help self dressing are called 'self-help' garments. Though fashion garments nre nvoilahle, simple 'self-help' garments ploy no role in the preschool children's clothing market. Hence, the present study was U11derluke11 lo uludy llle clulhirrg preferences and clolhing problems of preschoolers. The main objective was to design 'self-help • garments fur preschoolers and to evaluate their suitability to the purpose •ror lhe purpose uf sludyiny lhe clolhing problems and preferences of preschoolers a questionnaire was developed and administered to 50 mothers having preschool children. The observation reveal~d that frocks with half sleeves and pedal pushers posed problems while dressingdressing boys.and those whogirls and T-shirt and pants Most mothers were not aware of were Aware were Home Science posed problems while'self-help ' garments C)raciuntes. The study revealed that in moBt instances the parents did not take their children n.long for shnppi.n(]. The children needed as~is r ance in most aupects or dressing and il was moslly the older children who could dress by themselves with just a little assistance. Girls needed more assislance in dressing than boys. Among the fasteners, the children could manipulate zippers, large buttons, press buttons and elasticated garments. The dress features preferred by mothers for their children were pockets, gathers, ruffles, laces and animation in clothing. Children preferred clothing similar to that of parents, play mates and school mates. As a part of the study patterns were designed for the four rJarmenls posing problems and for ench garment five patterns were selected by the judl)es for construction. By the help of questionnaire the garments were evaluated while children dr~s!1ed and undressed. A panel of five judges evaluated formn lly the extent of assistance necessary to help the children dress and the mothers informally evaluated the improvement of the childron in dressing over five repeated trials. The appearance of the garment s was evaluated by fifty mothers with the help of a questionnaire. The results of formal evaluation revealed that all aspects of dressing and when aidedundressing could be easily achieved by preschool children with a few suggestions. The results of the informal evaluation revealed that over repeated trials great improvement was seen in the preschool childrens' ability to dress and undress and by the end of five trials no suggestions were necessitated to aid the childrens' dressing. There was a progressive reduction in time taken for dressing and undressing over repeated trials. Children undressing but comprehend thesome girls hadcould easily achieve all aspects of dressing and more suggestions were necessary to help the children convenient way to wear the dress. Among girls clothing found inserting of arm into the second sleeve of dresses with front opening a little difficult. Fastening of buttons was achieved more easily by boys as compared to girls. The comfort and fit of all garments was found to be good and undressing was achieved more easily than dressing. The velcro, snap, button, zipper and buckle fasteners were all easily manipulated. The dresses with front opening among girls' garments were initially found difficult to wear them. The frock and blouse with elasticated neck and waist among girls~ garments were in the first attempts difficult to wear as they got stuck around the crown, but on practice the children could wear them easily. grip of the fastener and thus fasten the garment. Velcro fasteners were very easy to manipulate as they did not require much skill. Buckle and snap fasteners were easily manipulated by the children. The dresses wjlh long1 centre front zipper could be easily dressed and undressed. Un practice surplice opening dresses were easily worn by the children. Girls were not used to front opening, but on repeated Lrjals, they could easily ntcmipuJule rrottt opening dresses. Dresses wjlh elasLicoled rteck ond wui~L wore easily worn by he children but more efforl was r1ecessary. Dresses wlthoul plackel at ,,eck had to be worn from <Jilove the hend nnd were compnrat.ively mnrr. difficult than dresses with placket . lhe appearance of aJl the garments was appreciated, all the garments were considered suitable to play and all the garments were opined by mothers as easy to cnre fol'. The rt:>sull s t.hun revealed l·.h;lt all the uesigrwd garmenls facililul.ed Bell dreUBllllj by 5 lu old preschool children.