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The present investigation entitled “Studies on Integrated Nutrient Management Practice for Tissue Culture Banana cv. Grand Naine” was carried out at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Anantharajupet during 2012-13. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design replicated thrice with eleven treatments comprising application of recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) through inorganic fertilizers and organic manures in different proportions along with biofertilizers like Azospirillum, PSB and Frateuria aurantia to plant crop. Studies different growth characters at different stages of growth (3,5 MAP and shooting), occurrence of phonological stages, bunch yield and its attributes and quality parameters including shelf life in plant crop cycle. With respect to growth parameters, the highest plant height and pseudostem girth was registered with the application of 80% RDF (inorganic) = 20% RDF (Vermicompost) + Azospirillum + PSB + FRateuria aurantia both at 3 MAP and 5MAP. Whereas, functional leaves and leaf area plant-1 and total number of leaves emerged in a crop cycle were highest at various stages of crop growth in plants that received 80%RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + Azospirillum + pSB + Frateuria aurantia. Highest nitrogen content in the index leaf was recorded at 3 MAP and 5 MAP with the application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (vermicompost) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia whereas at shooting application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + Azospirillum +PSB + Frateuria aurantia has registered higher nitrogen content. Application of either 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (vermicompost) + PSB or 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia has recorded highest phosphorous content in the index leaf at 3 MAP and 5 MAP whereas at shooting, application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + PSB has registered highest phosphorus content in index leaf. Application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia has recorded highest leaf potassium content in index leaf at 3 MAP, whereas, the treatment 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (vermicompost) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia has registered highest potassium in the leaf (3.54%) at 5 MAP. Application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia has recorded highest potassium content in index leaf at shooting stage. Observed gradual exhaustion of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in all the treatmental plots at harvest when compared to the initial fertility status of experimental plots. The depletion of nutrients was less in the plots that received different INM treatments than the plots that received 100% RDF through inorganic fertilizers alone. Bunch yield and its attributing characters like, maximum number of hand and fruits bunch-1 and higher fruit girth, bunch weight and bunch yield were recorded with the application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia, but higher fruit length was observed with application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (vermicompost) +Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia. Pertaining to quality parameters, significant differences were not evident in acidity, reducing and non reducing sugar content in fruits. However, highest TSS and longer shelf life was recorded in the fruits obtained with application of 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (vermicompost) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia. Highest net returns were recorded with 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (FYM) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia followed by 80% RDF (inorganic) + 20% RDF (vermicompost) + Azospirillum + PSB + Frateuria aurantia. On the basis of the results obtained in the present investigation, it can be inferred that application of either 80% RDF (inorganics) + 20% RDF (Vermicompost) along with 50g Azospirillum, 50g PSB and 25g Frateuria aurantia or 80% RDF (inorganics) + 20% RDF (FYM) along with 50g Azospirillum, 50g PSB and 25g Frateuria aurantia can be recommended for tissue culture banana cv. Grand Naine (AAA) for reaping optimum bunch yield and higher net returns in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh.
fertilizers (RDF) through inorganic fertilizers and organic manures in different proportions, occurrence of phonological stages, bunch yield and its attributes and quality parameters including shelf life