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Theses - Gadvasu


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on microbiological assessment of poultry slaughtering units in punjab
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2022) Sharma, Avni; Dr. Jasbir Singh Bedi
    This study has been undertaken to determine the occurrence, antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation and virulence of E. coli, Salmonella spp. and S.aureus isolated from poultry slaughtering units from three different regions of Punjab, India. A total of 421 samples (96 chicken meat samples, 55 faecal and 270 environmental swab samples) were collected from retail butcher shops and semiorganized/organized slaughtering units from three different regions of Punjab. Out of 421 samples, 158 isolates were confirmed for E. coli (37.53%), 171 for S. aureus (40.62%) and only 5 isolates were confirmed for Salmonella spp. (0.95%). The isolation rate of E. coli was highest from the faecal samples 60% (33/55), followed by environmental swab samples 34.4% (93/270) and meat samples 33.3% (32/96). The prevalence of S. aureus in chicken meat samples was 43.75% (42/96), in faecal samples 32.72% (18/55) and in environmental swab samples was 41.11% (111/270). Salmonella spp. were only detected only in 3 faecal and 2 meat samples. The virulence genes profiles indicated that gene fimA and eae were detected in 93.04% (147/158) and 2.53% (4/158) of the E. coli isolates, respectively. Among the 171 S. aureus isolates the gene coa was detected in 81.29% (139/171) isolates. The gene invA was not detected in any of the 5 Salmonella isolates. Among the E. coli isolates 68.35% (108/158) were multi-drug resistant, showing resistance to three or more classes of antibiotics. High resistance was observed against ampicillin and tetracycline (96.97%) among the faecal E. coli isolates. MRSA was detected in 16.95% (29/171) S. aureus isolates from chicken meat, faecal and environmental swab samples. All the S. aureus isolates (100%) from the faecal samples were resistant to ampicillin and tetracycline antibiotics. High resistance was also observed to erythromycin (83.3%) in chicken meat samples, (66.67%) in faecal samples and (80.18%) in the environment swab samples. Out of the 171 S. aureus isolates 127 isolates were multidrug resistance (74.26%). All the 5 isolates of Salmonella spp. (100%) were multidrug resistant. Complete resistance was observed against tetracycline, erythromycin and ampicillin (100%) among all the Salmonella isolates from meat and faecal samples. Meanwhile, E. coli, Salmonella spp. and S. aureus isolates exhibited variation in biofilm forming behaviour with regards to the different types of samples, a relatively strong biofilm production was observed in environmental isolates of S. aureus and E. coli, whereas 3 of the Salmonella spp. isolates were moderate biofilm producers and 2 were weak biofilm producers. Our findings provide baseline information on the distribution of E. coli, Salmonella spp. and S. aureus in the poultry slaughtering units in Punjab, and provide support to the need for upgradation in hygiene levels and slaughtering practices with more prudent use of antimicrobial agents in the poultry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Blood Typing and Transfusion Reactions in dogs
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2022) Gupta, Himanshu; Dr. Shukriti Sharma
    The blood typing of 300 dogs using commercial the KABB Dog Blood Typing Kit revealed DEA 1 system positive in 88.7% of animals with DEA 1.1 in 80.0% and DEA 1.2 in 8.7 % while 11.3% dogs were negative for DEA 1 system. Pitbull had the highest prevalence of DEA 1.1 type (82.97%) while beagle has the lowest prevalence (77.66%). Retrospective study was carried out on canine patients presented to the small animal medicine OPD of the multi-speciality hospital of GADVASU, Ludhiana to study hospital prevalence of anaemia. A total of 30825 dog cases were presented in the last three years (2019 to 2021) and case prevalence of anaemia on the basis of presentation of cases (n =6197) and CBC reports (n=4108) was recorded to be 13.32% and 66.29% respectively. Idiopathic anaemia (20.74%), liver (14.89%) and renal disorders (11.31%) were the predominant aetiology observed in this present study. A total 20 anaemic canine patients were incorporated for whole blood and pRBC transfusion study (whole blood transfusion = 13; pRBC = 7). The initial haemoglobin level in the whole blood group significantly increased (p
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on genetic and non-genetic factors affecting prediction of first lactation milk yield from part records in crossbred cattle
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2015) Kumari, Soni; Dr. Raman Narang
    In the present study effect of different genetic and non-genetic factors viz. sire, animal genetic group, period, season, weight at birth, age at first service, age at first calving, 305 day milk yield, lactation milk yield, first lactation length, test day milk yield, fortnightly milk yield, monthly milk yield and prediction of first lactation milk yield from test day, monthly and fortnightly milk yield and breeding value of sires were studied. A total of 642 production and reproduction records of crossbred cattle from the year 1991 to 2014 were utilized in the present study to calculate breeding value of sire maintained at GADVASU Dairy Farm. Breeding value was calculated by BLUP and least square of Harvey (1979). The least square mean of crossbred cattle for different traits were, for WAB was 28.32±0.35 kg, for AFS was 604.79±13.24 days, for AFC was 942.39±12.00 days, for WAC was 399.98±4.24 kg, for AAD was 1363.00±20.13 days, for MY 305 was 3594.58 ±89.08 kg, for LMY was 4399.99 ± 146.09 kg, for LL was 393.12±9.93 days, for FMY 305 was 3427.00±80.69 kg, for TMY 305 was 3498.61±77.84 kg, for MMY 305 was 3461.55±78.44 kg, for FLMY was 4128.94±125.71 kg, for TLMY was 4227.67±129.53 kg for MLMY was 4211.83 ± 120.35 kg. The least square mean for fortnightly, monthly and test day milk yield ranged from 227.54±5.49 to 138.16±5.79 kg, 886.26±20.00 to 276.58±10.99 kg, 14.91±0.39 to 9.00±0.33 kg respectively. The heritability of different traits were, for WAB was 0.14±0.10, for AFS was 0.52±0.14 for AFC was 0.40±0.13, for WAC was 0.29±0.12 for AAD was 0.32±0.12 for MY 305 was 0.49±0.14, for LMY was 0.40±0.13, for LL was 0.26±0.11. The heritability for fortnightly, monthly and test day milk yield ranged from 0.30±0.15 to 0.44±0.15, 0.32±0.14 to 0.62±0.16 and 0.51 ± 0.16 to 0.16 ± 0.12 respectively. The effect of sire was highly significant for all traits. The effect of season was also significant for almost all the traits. The effect of animal genetic group was non-significant for all the traits. The effect of period was non-significant for almost all the traits. AFC had significant influence on milk yields. The genetic and phenotypic correlation among WAB, AFS, AAD, LL was moderate. The phenotypic and genetic correlation of MY 305 with fortnightly, monthly and test day milk yield were moderate to high. For predicted 305 day milk yield R2 value from fortnightly, monthly and test day milk yield were 71.01, 72.92 and 69.60% respectively. For predicted lactation milk yield R2 value from fortnightly, monthly and test day milk yield were 57.08, 58.55 and 56.50%, respectively. Breeding value of 77 sires for lactation milk yield averaged to be 4519 kg and 4630 kg by LS and BLUP method. The average breeding value by LS method on the basis of fortnightly, monthly and test day milk yield were 4332, 4382 and 4349 kg respectively. The average breeding value by BLUP method on the basis of fortnightly, monthly and test day milk yield were 4241, 4295 and 4286 kg.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on lactation curve models in murrah buffaloes at organized herd.
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2020) Brar. Rana Partap Singh; Dr. Simarjeet Kaur
    In the present study, the data were collected on the production traits of Murrah buffaloes up to fourth parity for the period of 25 years (1991-2015) maintained at Directorate of Livestock Farm, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. The data used in present studies pertained to 5,17,293 daily milk yield records pertaining to 1524 lactations of 644 Murrah buffaloes sired by 213 bulls. The effect of non-genetic factors viz; period of calving, season of calving, age at first calving and parity on production traits were found significant and subsequently data were corrected to study the comparative fit of various lactation curve models to describe the shape of lactation curve and to develop a suitable lactation curve model for Murrah buffaloes. The period of calving showed highly significant effect (P<0.01) on 305-day milk yield, complete lactation milk yield, lactation length and peak yield. The season of calving had highly significant effect (P<0.01) on peak yield, lactation length and service period. The age at first calving had significant effect (P<0.05) only for peak yield. The parity had highly significant effect (P<0.01) on 305-day milk yield, complete lactation milk yield, lactation length and peak yield 305-day milk yield, complete lactation milk yield, lactation length and peak yield. The daily milk yields were used to develop the best lactation curve models for the lactation 305-day as well as 455-day milk yield in Murrah buffalo using four models viz. Gamma Function (GF), Exponential Function (EF), Polynomial Regression Function (PRF) and Mixed Log Function (MLF). The adjusted R2 values of Gamma Function (GF), Exponential Function (EF), Polynomial Regression Function (PRF) and Mixed Log Function (MLF) were 99.72%, 97.99%, 99.89% and 98.82%; whereas the average root mean squares error with these functions were 0.010%, 0.028%, 0.006% and 0.022%, respectively for 305-day milk yield and the adjusted R2 values of Gamma Function (GF), Exponential Function (EF), Polynomial Regression Function (PRF) and Mixed Log Function (MLF) were 98.10%, 96.80%, 99.50% and 99.10%; whereas the average root mean squares error with these functions were 0.041%, 0.053%, 0.020% and 0.028%, respectively for 455-day milk yield. Thus, the best fit model was Polynomial Regression Function, which was better than other functions for prediction of lactation in Murrah buffaloes for 305-day milk yield as well as 455-day milk yield, because PRF had higher R2 value and lower RMSE value for both 305-day milk yield as well as 455-day milk yield. The new developed model resembled Polynomial Regression Function for 305-day milk yield except that it incorporates a new variable into the equation as square root of the day of lactation and it showed better fit than all four earlier models considered in the study for 455-day milk yield, as it had 1.5% higher (99.65%) Adj. R2 and lower (0.017%) RMSE value by 0.003% to Polynomial Regression Function. The modelling of lactation curve can be used for early selection/culling of animals.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    study on biometrics population dynamics and genetic diversity of family channidae from selected stretches of river sutlej in punjab
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2022) Shikha; Dr. Surjya Narayan Datta
    The study was carried out to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of water along with biometric characteristics, population dynamics and genetic diversity of fish species under commercially important family Channidae from selected stretches of River Sutlej in Punjab. The samples were collected from three different sites (Site 1- Rupnagar, Site 2-Rail/road Bridge at Phillaur, Ludhiana and Site 3-Harike) of Sutlej River covering four different seasons i.e. winter, summer, monsoon and post-monsoon from November 2020 to October 2021. Fish samples were collected from the fish markets/ landing centres nearby the sampling sites. Study revealed that water quality at selected 3 spots (Rupnagar, Ludhiana and Harike) were within permissible limits for fisheries, but BOD, COD levels at Site 1 & Site 2 and ammonia (NH3) levels at Site 2 need to be monitored. C. marulius was dominant fish in catch composition (weight basis) under family Channidae (58%) followed by C. striata (37%) and C. punctata (5%) contributed significantly. Length-weight relationship established negative allometric growth pattern in all three species (C. marulius, C. striata and C. punctata); thus species became slender as it increased in length. Condition Factor (K) and relative condition factor (Kn) revealed fish species under Channidae family maintaining a healthy status. Truss analysis of selected species of Channidae family revealed maximum variability in C. striata and least variability in C. marulius. In C. striata and C. marulius total length varied from 23 to 56 cm and 26 to 97 cm, respectively. Asymptotic length (L∞), growth coefficient (K) and age at zero length (to) were recorded to be 63 cm, 0.77 yr-1 and 0.02 yr. in C. striata and 99.75 cm, 0.880 yr-1 and 0.013 yr in C. marulius, respectively. The growth performance indices (Ø) and longevity (tmax) value were 3.488 and 3.92 yr in C. striata; 3.941 and 3.42yr in C. marulius. The higher recruitment peaks was detected during June and July in C. striata as well as in C. marulius indicating monsoon is the breeding season for Channa species in Punjab waters. Total mortality (Z), fishing mortality (F) and natural mortality (M) were estimated to be 2.51 yr-1 , 1.27 yr-1 and 1.24 yr-1 in C. striata and 1.19 yr-1 , 1.27 yr-1 and 2.46 yr-1 in C. marulius, respectively. The L25, L50 and L75 were calculated as 23.53 cm, 27.28 cm and 31.08 cm in C. striata and 26.46 cm, 33.96 cm and 41.63 cm in C. marulius. The LC/L∞ and M/K value was calculated 0.433 & 1.61 in C. striata and 0.34 & 1.35 in C. marulius, respectively. The exploitation ratio of 0.51 in C. striata and 0.52 in C. marulius indicated that the both the stocks are overexploited. Mitochondrial COI sequence revealed that C. marulius stocks were less genetically diverse as compared to C. striata. The outcome of this study could be used to establish a baseline for the management and conservation of the Sutlej River and its fishery resources
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on Ocular changes and Cytology in Diagnosis of eys Diseases in dogs
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2022) Singh, Avtar; Dr. Charanjit Singh Randhawa
    The study was conducted on 45 dogs presented for the signs of ocular diseases. Thirty dogs with blindness or other ocular signs were subjected to complete ophthalmic examination. Samples for ocular cytology and bacterial culture were collected from 10 healthy and 15 dogs presented for superficial ocular affections. The cause of acute blindness was chronic renal disease (4), ehrlichiosis (8), multicentric lymphoma (3), ivermectin toxicity (2), sudden acquired retinal degeneration (1), acute glaucoma (1) and canine distemper (1). Chronic glaucoma (2), progressive retinal atrophy (2) and diabetic cataract (1) were the causes of chronic blindness. Ophthalmoscopic examination showed retinal detachment, optic disc cupping, retinal atrophy or degeneration, increased ocular pressure and lens opacification. Anterior uveitis was diagnosed in 5 patients. Corneo-conjunctival cytology showed primarily squamous epithelial cells in healthy dogs. There were numerous neutrophils in conjunctivitis, increased number of lymphocytes in stromal keratitis and keratinized epithelial cells with neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophil in kerato-conjunctivitis. Ocular metastasis was observed in two dogs with multicentric lymphoma. Ocular masses in two dogs were due to squamous cell carcinoma and transmissible veneral tumor. Staphylococcus spp and bacillus spp. were cultured from 6 of 10 healthy dogs. Eyes of all the dogs with conjunctivitis, kerato-conjunctivitis, stromal keratitis, lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma and transmissible venereal tumor yielded Staphylococcus spp. consistently. Pseudomonas spp. along with Staphylococcus spp. was cultured from 2 of the 5 kerato-conjunctivitis affected dogs. Antibacterial sensitivity of bacteria cultured from superficial ocular affections showed higher sensitivity for chloramphenicol, amikacin, moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on the Quality Attributes of Whey Protein Concentrate (wpc-35)Derived from Buffalo Milk
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2021) Lonkar, Shubham Arjun; Dr. Sunil Kumar
    Whey is a valuable watery by-product of the dairy industry obtained after coagulating milk for the production of paneer, cheese, casein, etc. Despite its several potential uses; nearly 70– 80% of its total production is discarded in wastewater without any further treatment. India has highest population of the buffaloes and the whey obtained from the buffalo milk has many unique characteristics as compared to that of the cow milk whey. Therefore, the present study was conducted for the preparation of buffalo milk based WPC -35 employing ultrafiltration and characterization vis-a-vis control samples. Both the UF membranes i.e. 10kDa and 50kDa has potential for the preparation of WPC-35 but, the protein to total solids recovery was greater in UF modules of 50 KDA. The product obtained by the coagulation from GDL exhibited the good functional properties (i.e. solubility; WAI; WSI; EA; ES; OHC; FC; FS; LD, and BD of 90.4±0.46%; 0.41±0.01 g/g; 88.83±0.62%; 60.9±0.68%; 107±0.57%; 1.79±0.07 g/g; 2.71±0.08 x; 1.16±0.17 x; 0.32±0.01 g/ml and 0.43±0.01 g/ml, respectively,) as compared to that of the HCl and Citric acid coagulated whey. Thereafter, the obtained diafiltered retentate was spray dried and also compared with WPC80, WPC35 and SMP on the basis of their physico-chemical, functional and structural characterization. It was found that the optimized BM based WPC-35 exhibited even better functional properties than the cow milk based WPC-35 and the market SMP. Further, characterization of the product showed that the proteins in the product are more resistant to the heat denaturation than that of the proteins in cow milk WPC35. Therefore, the manufactured product might also be used as excellent SMP replacer, stabilizer, emulsifier, and foaming agent for many food formulations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutritional Evaluation of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Meal as Alternate Protein Sourse in Lactating Goats
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2021) Singh, Gursimran; Dr. J.S. Lamba
    Moringa oleifera is a multipurpose, non-leguminous tree that is widely grown and adapts to a variety of environmental conditions. The presence of fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals in M. oleifera leaves suggests that they could be used as a feed supplement. Twelve lactating goats were fed two types of diets in a feeding trial at Animal Nutrition department of GADVASU, Ludhiana. The aim of the feeding trial was to assess the M. oleifera leaf meal (MLM) use in a concentrate mixture as a protein source for lactating goats. Our assumption was that MLM would be a good source of protein for goats and would act similarly to soybean meal. In vitro fermentation experiment on MLM based concentrates and TMR revealed that OMD, NDFD and ME were significantly higher in 30% MLM concentrate and NGP, TVFA and propionic acid production were significantly higher in 30% MLM TMR. Hence, on the basis of in vitro results, the experimental diets used in in vivo study were, a control (soybean meal as a supplemental protein source) and 30% moringa leaf meal (the CP of soybean was replaced by 30% MLM) diet. The lactating goats were fed a 60:40 TMR of fodder and concentrate respectively. When compared to the control group, the MLM inclusion @30% in TMR has resulted in significantly (P
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Ensiling Paddy Straw with or Without Bacterial Culture,Urea and Molasses on It's Nutritive Value
    (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, 2021) Ratan, Bhosale Sanjay; Dr. R.S. Grewal
    This study enlightened on the effect of ensiling paddy straw with or without bacterial culture, urea and molasses on nutritive value of paddy straw. The study was carried out in the field and forage evaluation laboratory. Paddy straw chemical composition varies by variety and growth season, with early-season paddy having more nitrogen and cellulose concentration than others. In vitro gas production was assessed by laboratory method and its effect on organic digestibility was studied. The ME value of substrate was assessed. From this study, it was concluded that urea is the source of nitrogen it improves the protein value of paddy straw. In cell wall components NDF, ADF, cellulose content decreased with bacterial culture treated paddy straw in all combinations and also decreased with the addition of nutrient additive of urea. Oxalate content decreased in the case of paddy straw treated with bacterial culture in all combinations of urea, molasses, and moisture. Crude protein and IVDMD content of with and without culture treated paddy straw in all combination increased with the addition of urea as an additive while ash and crude fat content decreased. Utilization of paddy straw as silage in animal feeding may turn out to be beneficial during scarcity periods as well as utilization of paddy straw indirectly reducing air pollution, which is caused by stubble burning.