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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bengaluru)., 2021-02) R. S. NAYANA; B. FAKRUDIN; VISHNUVARDHANA; V. DEVAPPA; K. R. VASUDEVA; G. K. HALESH; G. K. RAMEGOWDA
    Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) F2:3 population was developed covering Ty1, Ty2, Ty3, Ty4 and Ty5 genes governing tomato leaf curl disease resistance caused by ToLCV using eight founder lines identified through genetically linked DNA markers. Founder lines were pairwise crossed in eight-way, four-way and two-way and finally selfed to generate 600 MAGIC F2 individuals which were field evaluated and further selfed to obtain F2:3 families. The confirmation of hybridity at each successive stage was done using SSR markers. Assessment of MAGIC F2:3 families for ToLCV disease incidence in field condition ranged from 0.00 to 16.82 per cent at 20 DAT, 0.00 to 31.25 per cent at 30 DAT and 0.00 to 31.25 per cent at 60 DAT with over 52 immunes, 89 moderately resistance, 108 moderately susceptible, 155 susceptible, and 196 highly susceptible families. The magnitude of ToLCVD incidence in contained condition at 7 days after inoculation (DAI) was nil, followed 0 - 1 at 14 DAI and 0 - 3 at 21 DAI and the severity of the disease was concurrent with field finding. A separate field evaluation of MAGIC F2:3 generation for yield and yield-related traits revealed a wide variability for all the yield-related traits with high estimates of broad-sense heritability coupled with high genetic advance.The MAGIC F2 individuals were genotyped with 153 SSRs and 40 SSRs-DEGs candidate gene markers, which were segregated in expected rations of 1:2:1. A genetic linkage map spanning13378 cM was constructed (Kosambi) across all linkage groups. QTL analysis resulted in a total of six QTLs for ToLCV resistance and 41 QTLs for 11 yield-related traits in different linkage groups, pointing at the ability of the MAGIC population as a powerful tool to capture QTLs. Multiple SSRDEGs spanned through the QTLs for ToLCV resistance indicating the relevance of candidate gene makers in QTL mapping. The newly identified QTLs will be a valuable tool in breeding for ToLCV resistance in tomato.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (Kittur Rani Chennamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi)., 2022) S. CHETHAN KUMAR; JAWADAGI, R. S.; HANCHINAMANI, C. N.; KULKARNI, M. S.; B. FAKRUDIN; T. N. LAKSHMIDEVAMMA; RATHOD, VIJAYAKUMAR D.
    The investigation on “Development and characterization of recombinant inbred line populations for bacterial disease wilt resistance in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” was undertaken at the Vegetable Science experimental unit of Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi. A total of 592 individual recombinant inbred lines populations were developed from FBT-27 × Sankranti (220), Anagha × FBT-41(147), Anagha × FBTA-36 (67), PKM-1 × FBTA-36 (158) crosses to identify superior inbred lines coupled with bacterial wilt resistance using marker-assisted selection. All the individual lines which developed were screened for bacterial wilt incidence in both polyhouse sick plot and pot conditions. In polyhouse sick plot conditions from FBT-27 × Sankranti cross 15 lines, Anagha × FBT-41 cross 23 lines and Anagha × FBTA-36 cross 9 lines were found to be highly resistant to bacterial wilt incidence. Similarly from cross PKM-1 × FBTA-36, 5 lines were found resistance to bacterial wilt incidence. Correspondingly in pot condition 14 lines from FBT-27 × Sankranti cross, 23 lines from Anagha × FBT-41 cross and 9 lines from Anagha × FBTA-36 cross were showed high resistance symptoms and 7 lines from PKM-1 × FBTA-36 cross found resistance symptoms to bacterial wilt resistance. Single dominant gene was responsible for resistance to bacterial wilt incidence in all crosses except PKM-1 × FBTA-36 which were confirmed by chi-square test using genotypic and phenotypic patterns of segregating ratio. The analysis of variance revealed the existence of significant variations among the developed recombinant inbred lines from all four crosses for all the characters studied. For the all the crosses skewness values were near 0 and kurtosis values were near to 3 suggesting near normal distribution and involvement of multiple gene with quantitative inheritance. Genetic parameters revealed that high estimates of heritability coupled with high genetic advance over mean for all the characters in all the four crosses except for the traits day to 50 per cent flowering, TSS and pH in FBT-27 × Sankranti cross, days to first flowering ,TSS and pH in Anagha × FBT-41 cross, days to first flowering, days to 50 per cent flowering, TSS and pH in Anagha × FBTA-36 cross, days to first flowering, days to 50 per cent flowering, fruit diameter, TSS and pH in PKM-1 × FBTA-36 cross indicating that the traits were under the control of additive genes. The association study reveals that in all 4 crosses number of fruits per plant, number of clusters per plant and plant height shows high and positive significant correlation with the yield per plant. Correspondingly phenotypic path analysis showed a positive and direct effect on yield per pant by number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight in all four crosses. So these traits can be directly selected from improvement of yield per plant. Out of 4 SSR and SCAR markers used which were linked to bacterial wilt resistance and only one SCAR marker i.e., SCU176- 534 shows polymorphism between parents so it’s used in identifying superior inbred lines. In present study, 9 lines from FBT-27 × Sankranti cross, 7 lines from Anagha × FBT-41 cross, 5 lines from Anagha × FBTA-36 cross and 6 lines from PKM-1 × FBTA-36 cross were identified as superior inbred lines coupled with bacterial wilt resistance. Marker-phenotype association study revealed that out of 101 SSR markers used in Anagha × FBT-41 cross only one marker i.e., BF-CHR-10-3328 showed polymorphism, further it was forwarded to conform to the segregation pattern but it didn’t segregate as expected 1:1 ratio.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot)., 2022-01) MACHKURI, PAVITRA B.; GOLLAGI, SANGANABASAV G.; HIPPARAGI, KULAPATI.; KUKANOOR, LAXMAN.; PEERAJADE, DADAPEER A.; NADAF, ABDUL RAHAMAN M.
    The experiment entitled “Evaluation of Grape juice varieties under northern dry zone of Karnataka” was conducted at Horticulture Research and Extension Centre, Vijayapur (Tidagundi) during October 2020 to February 2021. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications. Observations on growth, yield and quality parameters of the grape juice varieties were evaluated. Among the different accessions evaluated, the minimum number of days taken to bud burst (6.25 days), highest number of matured canes per vine (46.02) and fruitful canes per vine (42.59) was recorded in ARI - 516. The maximum shoot length (64.13 cm) and shoot girth (0.81 cm) was registered in Manjari Medika at 60 days after fore pruning. While, the variety Manjari Medika also recorded the highest pruned biomass (1.20 kg/vine), leaf area (132.47 cm2 ) and chlorophyll content (41.40 SPAD value). The variety Bangalore Blue took less number of days for panicle appearance (10.75 days). Whereas, the minimum number of days for harvesting (118.25 days) and highest number of bunches per vine (78.00) was noticed in ARI - 516. While, the maximum weight of 100 berries (262.30 g), berry length (17.65 mm) and berry diameter (16.53 mm) was registered in variety Gulabi × Bangalore Purple. The performance with respect to yield pointed out that the variety Manjari Medika recorded the maximum number of berries per bunch (139.56), bunch weight (311.22 g), bunch length (21.03 cm), bunch width (9.42 cm) and yield (14.82 kg/ vine and 33.28 t/ ha) which was followed by ARI - 516. With respect to quality parameters, the highest juice recovery percentage (70.96 %) was recorded in Manjari Medika. The highest TSS (21.25º B), reducing sugar (15.38 %), total sugar (17.02 %) and the minimum titratable acidity content (0.46 %) was recorded in ARI - 516. The organoleptic scores on overall acceptability (8.68) was highest for the juice of ARI - 516. Considering overall parameters, Manjari Medika was found better followed by ARI - 516 based on yield parameters and juice recovery under northern dry zone of Karnataka.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot)., 2022-04) CHONGLOI, LHINGNEIVAH.; GUNNAIAH, RAGHAVENDRA.; PATIL, S. N.; G. PRABHULING; D. P. PRAKASHA; CHITTAPUR, REKHA.
    Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britton and Rose) or pitaya is an emerging tropical and subtropical fruit crop belonging to Cactaceae. Due to its attractive colour, high nutritional composition and luscious taste, commercial cultivation has been picking up in India over the past decade. However, the supply of planting material is a bottleneck in meeting the increasing demand. The conventional propagation method through stem cutting is time-intensive due to its slow growth and seeds doesn‟t assure true to type planting material. The upsurge requirement for planting material demands tissue culture generated planting material, which ensures the crop's clonal fidelity and availability of planting material throughout the year. Therefore, we investigated the standardisation of the micropropagation protocol of dragon fruit in this study. Different types of explants (in vitro stem, in vitro leaf and in vivo stem) were inoculated onto Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of 2,4-D and BAP for their shoot proliferation. A 100.00 % response to shooting induction, the maximum number of shoots per explant (9.94) and longest shoot length (2.26 cm) were recorded when in vivo stem (E3) explant was cultured on MS0 + 1.5 ppm BAP. The in vitro stem explant (E1) cultured on MS0 + 2.0 ppm BAP exhibited the earliest bud break (12.00 days). The in vitro proliferated shoots were further rooted in MS media supplemented with different concentrations of NAA and IBA. Among the treatments, cent per cent rooting with the least number of days for root initiation (6.00 days) and the longest root per shoot (5.24 cm) was recorded in the treatment MS0 + 0.1 ppm IBA. Average roots per shoot (5.71) were highest in MS0 + 0.5 ppm NAA. The well-developed shoots and roots were transferred to protrays filled with a different potting mixture of sand, soil and vermicompost alone or in combination. Sand + vermicompost (1:1) (v/v) exhibited the maximum survival (100.00 %), the maximum number of shoots/plantlet (7.66), longest mean shoot length (10.61 cm), the maximum number of roots per plantlet (11.27) and longest mean root length (10.38 cm). The genetic fidelity of the in vitro regenerated plants was assessed by using eight ISSR markers on 25 randomly selected seedlings and four sets of mother plants with their respective regenerants. The per cent polymorphism was highest (57.69 %) in seedlings and lowest (1.92 %) in M3 and M4 populations. Principal coordinate analysis and dendrogram constructed through neighbour-joining indicated greater genetic diversity in the seedlings. High genetic proximity was observed among tissue cultured plantlets with their respective mother plants. The economic analysis revealed that the cost of production of planting materials through tissue culture was higher by Rs. 5.09 as compared to that of the conventional method of stem cuttings.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot)., 2022-01) S. NITHYA; KAMBLE, ARUNKUMAR K.; JHOLGIKAR, PRAVEEN.; NANJAPPANAVAR, ANAND.; AWATI, MALLIKARJUN.; PATIL, ANAND G.
    The present investigation entitled on “Standardization of grafting time and propagation environment in red pulp guava (Psidium guajava L.) hybrids” was conducted with the hybrids Arka Kiran, Punjab Pink and Punjab Bold during the period 2020-2021 at Fruit nursery, MHREC, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. The first experiment were laid out in two factorial completely randomised design with fifteen treatments and two replications to standardize grafting time. Nine treatments and three replications for the second experiment to standardize the propagation environment. Among the five different time of grafting considered viz., November, December, January, February and March for the standardization of grafting time in different red pulp guava hybrids, Arka Kiran grafted on February month took very less number of days taken for first sprouting (4.24 days), maximum number of sprouts (4.37, 4.45 and 4.62), number of leaves per graft (10.25, 14.59 and 18.27 cm), sprout length (2.50, 4.60 and 7.43 cm) at 30, 60 and 90 DAG (Days after grafting) respectively. Whereas, fresh and dry weight of shoot (24.40 and12.92 g), fresh weight of root (13.02 g), survival percentage (99.50 %) at 90 DAG and chlorophyll content (46.25 and 63.10 SCMR) at 60 and 90 DAG respectively has been recorded. Among the three different propagation environmental conditions considered viz., polyhouse, shade net and open field condition for the standardization of propagation environment in red pulp guava hybrids, Arka Kiran placed under poly house condition took least number of days taken for first sprouting (8.34 days), maximum number of sprouts (4.20, 4.33 and 4.40, respectively), number of leaves per graft (10.43, 14.59 and 18.27), sprout length (2.50, 4.60 and 7.43 cm) at 30, 60 and 90 DAG respectively. Whereas, fresh and dry weight of shoot (23.40 and 12.20 g), fresh weight of root (12.00 g), root length (28.26 cm), graft success (94.10 %), survival percentage (89.92 %) at 90 DAG. Whereas maximum chlorophyll content (45.53 and 63.00 SCMR) and the maximum stomatal conductance (339.33 and 391.80 m mol m2 s -2 ) was observed at 60 and 90 DAG respectively when Arka Kiran grafts maintained under open condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot)., 2021-11) LANZES, TSERING.; HIPPARAGI, KULAPATI.; PADASHETTI, BASAVARAJ.; PATTEPUR, SATEESH.; GOLLAGI, S. G.; PATIL, A. G.
    The present investigation entitled “Influence of Ramphal (Annona reticulata L.) rootstock on custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) cvs. Balanagar and Arka Sahan with an objective to study the influence of Ramphal (Annona reticulata L.) rootstock on graft success, survival per cent and vigour of custard apple cultivars. The experiment was carried out at Main Horticultural Research and Extension Center (MHREC), UHS, Bagalkot (Karnataka) in the year 2021. The experiment was laid down in a Completely Randomized Design and the observation was recorded on growth, success, survivability and biomass parameters of grafted plants of custard apple cultivars. The experiment comprised of eight treatments viz., T1- Softwood grafting of Balanagar on 15th January, T2- Softwood grafting of Balanagar on 30th January, T3- Softwood grafting of Balanagar on 15th February, T4- Softwood grafting of Balanagar on 28th February, T5- Softwood grafting of Arka Sahan on 15th January, T6- Softwood grafting of Arka Sahan on 30th January, T7- Softwood grafting of Arka Sahan on 15th February, T8- Softwood grafting of Arka Sahan on 28th February which were replicated thrice. The results of the present investigation showed significant differences among the grafts of different treatments tried for all the characters studied. In growth characteristics, treatment T7 recorded significantly the maximum number of sprouts per graft (3.40), length of the sprouted shoot (25.37 cm), number of leaves (26.54), leaf area (30.66 cm2 ), leaf area per graft (898.39 cm2 ), scion girth (7.97 mm), rootstock girth (6.92 mm), girth of graft union (8.22 mm), length of the longest root (34.73 cm) with the highest survivability of graft (91.10 %) at 90 days after grafting and graft success (95.55 %) at 30 DAG. Although, the minimum number of days required for grafting (8.31) was recorded in T3. With respect to biomass characteristics, T7 recorded the maximum fresh weight of shoot (33.43 g), dry weight of shoot (18.36 g), dry weight of root (12.40 g) and shoot: root ratios (1.47 and 1.48) of fresh and dry weight basis, respectively. However, treatment T7 is statistically on par with T6 for most of the parameters studied. Hence, it can be concluded that T7 (softwood grafting of Arka Sahan on 15th February) performed best in terms of graft growth, success, survivability and biomass.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot)., 2021-11) MUDDANESHA; PATIL, S. N.; NANJAPPANAVAR, ANAND G.; MOHAMMED ABDUL WASEEM; HIREMATH, VIRESH M.; HUBBALLI, MANJUNATH.
    The investigation was conducted in the Main Horticultural Research and Extension Center, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot during the year 2020 to 2021 with an objective to study the influence of foliar application of nutrients on growth, flowering, yield, quality and shelf life of mango cv. Kesar. The experiment consisted of five treatments with four replications laid out in Randomized Block Design and spray was taken during November (before flowering), pea nut stage and marble stage. Among the different treatments, foliar application of potassium nitrate @ 2 per cent during November (before flowering) + Arka mango special @ 0.5 per cent at pea nut and marble stage has recorded maximum panicle length (34.35 cm), panicle width (28.50 cm), fruit set (0.87 %), fruit weight (298.50 g), number of fruits harvested per tree (277.41), yield (82.86 kg/tree and 8.66 t/ha) compared to control which was recorded minimum fruit yield (50.09 kg/tree and5.73 t/ha). The fruit quality and biochemical parameters of mango viz., high total sugars (13.22 %), TSS (20.87 0B), ascorbic acid content (33.75 mg/100 g pulp), carotenoid content (9.33 mg/100 g pulp), phenolic content (44.75 mg CE/100 g pulp) and minimum titratable acidity (0.19 %) were also recorded high in foliar application of potassium nitrate @ 2 per cent during November (before flowering) + Arka mango special @ 0.5 per cent at pea nut and marble stage and maximum days of shelf life (14.60), fruit firmness (2.05 kg/cm2 ) was recorded in T5 (calcium nitrate (Ca (NO3)2) @ 2.0 per cent during November (before flowering) + sulphate of potash (SOP) @ 2.0 per cent at pea nut and marble stage). The highest total income (Rs. 74574.00), net income (Rs. 51485.50) and benefit cost ratio (2.22:1) was recorded in the treatment potassium nitrate @ 2 per cent during November (before flowering) + Arka mango special @ 0.5 per cent at pea nut and marble stage. Among the different treatments, the trees treated with potassium nitrate @ 2 per cent during November (before flowering) + Arka mango special @ 0.5 per cent at pea nut and marble stage influenced the improved flowering, increased yield, better quality and benefit cost ratio as compared to other treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot)., 2021-11) K. H. KIRANKUMAR; D. P. PRAKASHA; HIPPARAGI, KULAPATI.; G. PRABHULING; M. P. BASAVARAJAPPA; REDDI, SANJEEVRADDI G.; JHALEGAR, MD JAMEEL.
    The experiment entitled “Field evaluation of in vitro derived mutants of different varieties of banana (Musa spp.)” was conducted at MHREC Fruit Orchard (Sector-70) of University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot during 2018 to 2020. There were 138 The healthy vigorous pest and disease free in vitro derived mutants lines of Yelakki bale (69 mutants), Rajapuri bale (47 mutants) and Nanjangud Rasabale (22 mutants) along with checks were planted at spacing of 1.5m×1.5m in pit method employing augmented block design. In plant crop, there was significant difference found at flowering in morphological traits viz., plant height (cm), leaf length (cm) leaf area (m2 ) and number of leaves, in reproductive traits viz., days taken to flowering (number of days), in yield traits viz., length of bunches (cm), internodal length between hands (cm), number of fingers per bunch, length of finger (cm), weight of finger (g) yield (tonnes/ha) and in quality and biochemical traits viz., TSS ( 0 brix) , non-reducing sugars (%), total chlorophyll leaf content (spad), peel weight (g) and flavour acceptance. In the ratoon crop, there was significant difference found at flowering in morphological traits viz., plant height (cm) and leaf length (cm), in reproductive traits viz., days taken to flowering (number of days), days from flowering to maturity (number of days), in yield traits viz., number of fingers per bunch, number of fingers per hand and in quality and biochemical traits viz., nonreducing sugars, total chlorophyll leaf content (SCMR), flavour acceptance and shelf life (number of days). In Yelakki bale, line YB40Gy-03 (218.57 cm, 247.00 days, 10.17 kg, and 234.00 cm 216 days, 5.45 kg), YB45Gy-03 (217.00 cm, 11.96 kg and 228.60 cm 5.79 kg), YB EMS 0.9% - 2 (218.00 cm, 10.84 kg and 229.61 cm 5.42 kg ), in Rajapuri bale RAJ40Gy- 03 (238 days, 98 days and 223 days, 106 days) and RAJ45Gy - 15 (238 cm, 102 days, 6.18 kg and 223 cm 96 days, 7.56 kg) and in Nanjangud Rasabale line NR40Gy - 07 (238.54 cm, 265.00 days, 97 days 7.45 kg and 235 cm 248.00 days, 104 days 5.29 kg) and NR40Gy - 09 ( 231.79 cm, 104 days, 6.32 kg and 188 cm, 106 days, 4.28 kg) NR EMS 0.6% - 3 (267 days, 95 days and 251 days 105 days) NR EMS 0.9% - 5 (264 days, 108 days and 245 days, 96 days) were identified as putative mutants for important agronomic traits viz., dwarfness, early flowering, early maturity and bunch weight considering their performance both in plant and ratoon crop, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot)., 2021-12) K. V. LAKSHMI; KAMBLE, ARUNKUMAR K.; JHOLGIKER, PRAVEEN.; AWATI, MALLIKARJUN G.; REDDI, SANJEEVRADDI G.; NANJAPPANAVAR, ANAND G.; CHITTAPUR, REKHA B.
    An experiment was carried out to standardize the grafting time and propagation environment in Annona cultivars viz., Arka Sahan, Island Gem and Balanagar during 2020-21 at fruit nursery, MHREC, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. The experiments were laid out in two factorial completely randomised design with twenty one treatments replicated for two times to standardize the grafting time, and nine treatments replicated for three times to standardize the propagation environment. Among the seven different times of grafting considered viz., December 15th , January 1st, January 15th, February 1st, February 15th, March 1st and March 15th for the standardization of grafting time in different Annona cultivars, Arka Sahan grafted on 15th of February took minimum days for first sprouting (9.25 days) and produced maximum number of sprouts per graft (3.60), girth of graft union (11.75 mm), number of leaves per graft (28.82), length of sprouted shoot (30.90 cm), girth of sprouted shoot (4.45 mm), leaf area per graft (1157.84 cm2 ), chlorophyll content (57.85 SCMR Value), graft success (95.00 %), graft survivability (97.50 %), length of longest root (41.06 cm), fresh weight of shoot and root (22.60 and 12.13 g, respectively) and dry weight of shoot and root (12.11 and 6.99 g, respectively). However, the fresh shoot:root ratio (2.31) and dry shoot:root ratio (2.21) were recorded maximum in Island Gem grafted on 15th of March, while the maximum stomatal conductance was noticed in Arka Sahan grafted on 15th of December (367.48 mmol m-1 s -1 ). Whereas, among the three different propagation environmental conditions considered viz., mist house, shade house and open field condition for the standardization of propagation environment in Annona cultivars, Arka Sahan grafts placed under mist house condition took minimum days for first sprouting (8.53 days) and produced the maximum number of sprouts per graft (3.83), girth of graft union (11.86 mm), length of sprouted shoot (29.50 cm), girth of sprouted shoot (4.34 mm), internodal length in sprouted shoot (3.13 cm) and number of leaves per graft (28.00), leaf area per graft (1134.52 cm2 ), graft success (97.77 %), graft survivability (92.55 %), length of longest root (42.78 cm), fresh weight of shoot and root (21.66 and 11.66 g, respectively) and dry weight of shoot and root (11.84 and 6.16 g, respectively). However, higher chlorophyll content (61.66 SCMR Values) and stomatal conductance (350.66 mmol m2 s -1 ) was recorded in Arka Sahan grafts maintained under open condition, maximum fresh shoot:root ratio (2.40) in Island Gem maintained under open field condition and dry shoot:root ratio (2.35) in Balanagar maintained under open field condition.