Long Term Effect of Fertilizer, Manures And Lime on Availability of Sulphur to Wheat Crop

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Continuous use of chemical fertilizers, manures and lime is likely to bring about major changes in primary and secondary nutrients status of the soil which will affect crop yield and its quality. These fertilizers, manures and lime applied to soils for cropping are likely to affect the sulphur fractions in soil which in turn will affect crop-sulphur requirements. Sulphur being a deficient secondary nutrient in rainfed uplands of the region thus need attention. In order to advocate use of sulphur fertilizers, an understanding of the sulphur transformations during its cycling in agricultural soil is required. Permanent manurial trial proves an excellent platform for precise monitoring of the changes in soil sulphur forms and their availability to crops. The present investigation entitled "Long term effect of fertilizers, manures and lime on availability of sulphur to wheat crop" was therefore undertaken to ascertain the cumulative effect of fertilizers, manures and lime on different forms of sulphur, total nitrogen, available nutrient and sulphur content and its uptake by crop. There were fourteen treatments consisting of inorganic fertilizers and FYM; either alone or in different combinations with lime or without lime under maize-wheat rotation. Texture of soil is sandy clay loam and higher clay content was observed in FYM treated plots. Soil pH increased with the addition of lime and to some extent with the application of FYM whereas highest value (6.6) was recorded in the treatments containing N+ Lime and lowest in plots treated with N alone (4.0). The organic carbon status of soil increased with the continuous application of FYM and highest amount was found in the treatments where full dose of FYM applied along with fertilizers and lowest in N + Lime plots which was even lower than control.