Management of Gram Pod Borer, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hub) Through Intercropping and Insecticides

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Investigation were carried out during rabi 1997-98 in the pulse area of Birsa Agriculture university KankeRanchi for the management of Helicovera armigera (Hub)infesting chickpea under the agroclimate conditions prevailing around Ranchi. The highest peak of the population of H armigera was obtained under the influence of temperature ranging from 22.3degree c(maximum) to 13.1 (minimum),relative humidity below 75 percent and rainfall received about 28.8mm. Chickpea carried a significantly lower larval population of H arnigera invariably in all cropping system as compared to sole crop being more pronounced when coriander when coriander was put as intercrop. Chickpea +coriander was responsible for larval reduction ranging from 35.71 to 60.25 percent during successive growth stages of chickpea and also responsible for the highest equivalent yield (20.08q/h)ha. Among different cultivars of chickpea ,BG-372 received lower incidence of H armigera and highest grain yield of 10.12q/ha. Correlation coefficient indicated that relative humidity and number of rainy days played an important role for the larval population build up of H armigera on chickpea. Role of temperature was also positively and significantly correlated with the larval with the larval population recorded on BG 372. The best performance was also obtained by the application of ifaenurin +pofenofos suppressing highest larval population of H.armigera ranging from 75.25 to 100percent followed by caldan 50SP (67.17-94.86%) and cascade 10 DC (59.59-9532%) .Neem based insecticide and biopesticides were alsoresponsible for higher lrval reduction ranging from 67.17 to 92.14 percent (HaNPV), 67.17 to 90.09 percent (Rakshak), 51.01 to 92.79 per cent (Rakskak gold) and 51.01 to 92.49 per cent (Dipel 8L). HaNPV was found to be very effective in controlling pod damage as a result of which 160.29 per cent more grain yield was recorded. Howerever, Synthetic insecticide Viz, iufenron+profenofos was also effective producing 113 percent more grainyield over untreated control. Other neem based insecticides and biopesticide were also found better producing 44-87 percenbnt more grain yield over untreated control.