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University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. (College of Horticulture, Bagalkot).
The present investigation entitled “Performance of softwood grafting and standardization of grafting time in aonla (Emblica officinalis L.) varieties”. The experiment was laid out in two factorial completely randomised design with sixteen treatments and two replications and was carried out in fruit nursery, Main Horticultural Research and Extension Centre, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, during the year 2020-2021. The four aonla varieties viz., NA-4, NA-5, NA-7 and Chakaiya used as scion material in this study. Among the four variety, the variety NA-7 performed better over the other varieties for most of the parameters such as, the least number of days taken for graft sprouting (11.00), the maximum number of sprouts per graft (5.30), girth at graft union (8.68 mm), the number of leaves per graft (17.15), length of sprouted shoots (28.18 cm), girth of sprouted shoot (2.71 mm), internodal length of sprouted shoot (2.31 cm), graft success (69.50 %), survivability (65.31 %), length of longest root (47.75 cm), fresh and dry weight(17.65 g and 10.13 g respectively) of shoot, fresh and dry weight (15.32 g and 9.25 g respectively) of root, total chlorophyll content (56.57 SCMR Value), stomatal conductance (181.86 m mol m-2 s -1 ), leaf area (48.38 cm 2 ) and leaf area per graft (849.68 cm 2 ) and the next best performed variety is Chakaiya. Among the four different time of grafting (i. e., from 1st of January to 1st of April at 30 days interval), the grafting carriedout on 1st of January performed better over the other month of grafting, the least number of days taken for graft sprouting (10.30), the maximum number of sprouts (5.74), girth at graft union (8.64 mm), number of leaves per graft (21.08), length of sprouted shoots (30.33 cm), girth of sprouted shoot (3.38 mm), internodal length of sprouted shoot (2.66 cm), grafts success (86.63 %), survivability (83.81 %), length of longest root (49.50 cm), fresh and dry (21.20 g and 11.72 g respectively) weight of shoot, fresh and dry weight (18.69 g and 9.82 g respectively) of root, total chlorophyll content (57.37 SCMR Value), stomatal conductance (176.26 m mol m-2 s -1 ), leaf area (45.78 cm 2 ) and leaf area per graft (972.51 cm 2 ) was recorded in this month and was followed by February grafted plants. The interaction effect between varieties and time of grafting, the least number of days taken for graft sprouting (9.10), the maximum number of sprouts per grafts (6.00), girth at graft union (9.10 mm), length of sprouted shoot (32.95 cm), internodal length of sprouted shoot (2.85 cm), number of leaves per graft (22.50), grafts success (90.50%), survivability (88.50%), length of longest root (52.50 cm), fresh and dry weight (23.50 g and 13.28 g respectively) of shoot, fresh and dry weight (20.30 g and 11.5 g respectively) of root, total chlorophyll content (60.68 SCMR Value), stomatal conductance (204.50 m mol m-2 s -1 ), leaf area (55.86cm 2 ) and leaf area per graft (1256.85 cm 2 ) was recorded in NA-7 variety which was grafted on 1st of January and was followed variety by Chakaiya grafted on same time.