Exploring chrysanthemum genotypes (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) to overcome pre-fertilization barriers for improvement of self and cross compatibility traits

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The present investigations entitled “Exploring chrysanthemum genotypes (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) to overcome pre-fertilization barriers for improvement of self and cross compatibility traits” were undertaken at the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University and Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana during 2020-2023. In the present study, twenty chrysanthemum genotypes were evaluated for various morphological attributes, among which Punjab Shyamli (cut flower), Punjab Shingar (loose flower), Gul-e-Sahir, Haldi Ghati and Punjab Mohini (pot culture) were identified as promising genotypes. The same genotypes were explored for self-incompatibility traits through selfing and further categorized as self-compatible (SC: 4 genotypes), partially self-compatible (PSC: 9 genotypes) and self-incompatible (SI: 7 genotypes). Various pre-fertilization barriers i.e., low pollen germination, inhibition of pollen tube growth on stigma and degeneration of embryo sac were identified as potential causes of failure of autogamy. Cross-compatibility was also assessed by evaluating the reproductive traits following crossing in ten genotypes and found that, all the genotypes were cross compatible. The SI (7) and PSC (9) genotypes identified from experiment-1 were subjected to various special pollination techniques i.e., early bud pollination, delayed pollination, GA3 @ 50 mg L-1, mentor pollination and gamma irradiation (100 Gy for 15 seconds) and the best results were achieved with the mentor pollination technique in various SI and PSC genotypes. Furthermore, a segregating population of fifteen selfed and twenty crossed F1 progenies was raised from the seeds obtained in experiments1 and 2 which were evaluated for various morphological and reproductive traits. From the F1 population, three superior hybrids viz., S₁₀P₁ (Himanshu selfed), C₁P₁ (Gul-e-Sahir x Gauri) and C₂P₁ (Reagan Emperor x Himanshu) were identified and forwarded for further improvement.
Shaik Rehana (2024). Exploring chrysanthemum genotypes (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) to overcome pre-fertilization barriers for improvement of self and cross (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.compatibility traits