Evaluation of Different Pheromone Traps for the Monitoring and Timely Application of Insecticide against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) on Maize (Zea mays L.)

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MPUAT, Udaipur
The present investigations on “Evaluation of Different Pheromone Traps for the Monitoring and Timely Application of Insecticide against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) on Maize (Zea mays L.)” were conducted at Agronomy farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur during Kharif 2022. Before the first application the mean number of plants showing Davis score 3 and 6. The highest mean number of plants showing Davis score 3 was observed in T3- Emamectin benzoate 5% SG spray at 10% of plants with Davis Scale 3-type damage and untreated control (3.00). Whereas the highest mean no. of plant showing Davis scores 6 was observed in T1- Insecticide application: 10 d after the pheromone trap catches three S. frugiperda adult moths (first trap 1) (3.00). The lowest mean no. of plant showing Davis scores 3 was observed in T5-Emamectin benzoate 5% SG spray at 10% of plants with Davis Scale 6-type damage (1.00) and Davis score 6 observed in T4- Insecticide application at 20% of plants with Davis Scale 3--type damage after Ten days of first spray(0.33). The highest mean per cent larval mortality of FAW (45.83%) after 3 days of treatment was found in T1: Emamectin benzoate 5% SG spray: 10 days after the pheromone trap catches of three S. frugiperda adult moths (first trap 1) which was significantly different from other treatments. The treatment T4-Emamectin benzoate 5% SG spray at 20% of plants with Davis Scale 3-type damage recorded the highest mean per cent larval mortality of FAW (62.04%) after 7 days of treatment. The maximum mean per cent FAW larval mortality of 42.93% after 10 days of treatment was found in T4-Emamectin benzoate 5% SG spray at 20% of plants with Davis Scale 3--type damage. The lowest mean no. of plant showing Davis scores 3 and 6 was observed in same treatment T5-Emamectin benzoate 5% SG spray at 10% of plants with Davis Scale 6-type damage (0.66 and 0.33) after Ten days of second spray. The highest mean per cent larval mortality after 3, 7 and 10 days of second spray was found in same treatment T2-. Two spray insecticide applications of Emamectin benzoate 5% SG: the first one (first trap 1) and the second application after the capture of three S. frugiperda adults, initiating the counting in the trap on the fifth day after the first insecticide application (50.80%, 60.77% and 44.53%). The highest grain yield obtained from the treatment T 2 - Two spray insecticide applications of Emamectin benzoate 5% SG : the first one (first trap 1) and the second application after the capture of three S. frugiperda adults, initiating the counting in the trap on the fifth day after the first Emamectin benzoate application(4055.56 Kg/ha). The moth trap at 1 and 2-meter height (t=1.67, mean 1.50, 7.50) was found superior over delta and funnel traps. The highest mean FAW male moths capturing (29.00) during 40th SMW (standard meteorological week) with corresponding weather parameters i.e., maximum and minimum temperature (0C), morning and evening relative humidity (%) and rainfall (mm) were 34.3, 18.9, 68.1, 48.1 and 8.2, respectively. The correlation with adult moth capturing and weather parameters with the maximum temperature (0.641)* showed a positively significant on male adult capturing through pheromone traps. Similarly, relative humidity in the morning (r=- 0.783*) and in the evening hours (-0.667*) showed a significant negative correlation with the mean male moth catches of FAW.
Hada B.P.S. and Babu S. R.