Weed and water management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori et Paol.) grown after different rice (Oryza sativa L.) residue management systems

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Punjab Agricultural University
The present study entitled „Weed and water management in wheat grown after different rice residue management systems‟ consisted of two experiments conducted at Students‟ Research Farm, Departments of Agronomy and Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during Rabi 2019-20 and 2020-21. Both the experiments were conducted using spilt-split plot with three replications. Experiment I entitled „Weed management in wheat crop in relation to rice residue management and wheat planting time‟ consisted of combination of rice residue load (using rice cultivars PR122 and PR 126) and wheat planting time (25th October and 15th November) in main plots, different residue management systems i.e. conventional tillage, Happy Seeder, mould board plough+ rotavator and burning was kept in sub plots and three weed control treatments (tank-mix of pinoxaden 50 g ha-1 + metribuzin 175 g ha-1, metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 g ha-1 and weedy plots) were kept in the sub-sub-plots. Weed population per unit area was recorded lower under high rice residue load of PR 122 in the first year. In second year, rice residue load has non-significant effect on weed density due to rainfall in early November. Higher population of Medicago denticulata was recorded under early sown wheat whereas, other broad leaf weeds and Phalaris minor was recorded lower under early sown wheat. Significantly lower density of different weeds was observed under Happy Seeder as compared to other rice residue management methods. Weed control by application of metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 g ha-1 resulted in significantly lower weed population per unit area and weed biomass as compared to weedy, but was statistically at par with tank-mix of pinoxaden 50 g ha-1 + metribuzin 175 g ha-1. Both broad-spectrum herbicides resulted in effective weed control and higher wheat grain yield under rice residue management with Happy Seeder. „Effect of rice residue and irrigation scheduling on weed dynamics and productivity of wheat under rice-wheat growing system‟ was the second experiment that consisted of four rice residue management system (conventional tillage, Happy Seeder, mould board plough+ rotavator and burning) in main plots, four irrigation scheduling (20% depletion of available soil moisture, 30% depletion of available soil moisture, 40% depletion of available soil moisture and PAU recommendation) in sub plots and four weed management practices i.e. metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 g a.i. ha-1; pinoxaden 50 g a.i. ha-1; metsulfuron plus carfentrazone 25 g a.i. ha-1; weedy plot in sub-sub plots. Density of dominant weeds Rumex dentatus, M. denticulata and P. minor was lower under Happy Seeder as compared to other systems. Significantly higher population of weeds were recorded under water surplus conditions (20%, 30% depletion of available soil moisture and PAU recommendation) as compared to water stress condition under 40% depletion of available soil moisture. Weed control by application of metsulfuron plus carfentrazone 25 g a.i. ha-1 resulted in significantly lower broad leaf weed population per unit area as compared to weedy, but was found to be statistically at par with metribuzin plus clodinafop 260 gha-1. For broad leaf weed flora, both post emergence herbicides resulted in effective weed control and higher wheat grain yield.
Ramanpreet Kaur (2022). Weed and water management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori et Paol.) grown after different rice (Oryza sativa L.) residue management systems (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.