A Case Report of Aflatoxicosis in a Country Chicken Unit with Retarded Egg Production

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A backyard country chicken unit with 200 numbers of 8 month old birds was reported to have the production of poor quality eggs viz., small sized, yolkless and watery albumin. Three of the birds were also showed continuous oozing of blood in between digits. The supplementation with mineral mixture and multivitamins yielded negative results. Three birds with the production of inferior quality eggs and retarded growth were humanely slaughtered and carried out post mortem examination. Post-Mortem examination showed enlarged, pale coloured liver, the cut surface bulged out with sticky oily substance. Microscopically, the liver showed vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes, interlobular bile duct proliferation and infiltration of mononuclear cells in the intercellular area. The Oviduct was very pale and small. The mucosa of the magnal and shell gland portions was dry and less folded. The ovary revealed atretic and haemorrhagic follicles.